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Welcome to the Alberta Register of Historic Places, a listing of all historic places designated under the province's Historical Resources Act. Click on the red arrow to:

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  • find out more about the Historic Places Designation Program 

Your feedback is appreciated - click on Contact Us (below) to send comments to the Manager of Alberta's Historic Places Research and Designation Program. 

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Welcome to the Alberta Heritage Survey.

Click on the blue arrow to:

  • search the Survey database
  • find out more about the Alberta Heritage Survey Program 

Your feedback is appreciated - click on Contact Us (below) to send comments to the Coordinator of the Alberta Heritage Survey Program. 

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Please note that records found in HeRMIS may contain language, terminology or visual content that reflect the context and culture of the time of their creation. Efforts have been made to identify and remove offensive or inappropriate terms from the database. Review of this material is ongoing. In some cases, such as direct quotes from primary sources, material has been retained for the sole purpose of ensuring the accuracy of the historical record. The presence of content now understood to be inappropriate and harmful does not reflect the views of the Government of Alberta. If there are concerns about specific content found on HeRMIS, please contact Heritage.Survey@gov.ab.ca

Freedom to Create. Spirit to Achieve.

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