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No.: PR1782
TITLE: Letter from Ole Moland to Mrs. A. Moland
CREATOR: Ole Moland
EXTENT: 0.01 m of textual records
HISTORY/BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH: Mali Moland was the wife of Andreas Moland. They and their son Ole moved from Soreisa, Norway to Climax, Minnesota in 1900. They came to Canada in 1902, settling near Ferry Point, near Edberg, North-West Territories. They homesteaded the southwest quarter of Section 25, Township 43, Range 19, West of the 4th Meridian (25-43-19-W4). Andreas died in December 1940 and Mali died in March 1944.
CUSTODIAL HISTORY:Arne Moland, Mali Moland’s grandson, deposited the records in the Provincial Archives of Alberta in 1992.
SCOPE AND CONTENT: The discrete item is a letter to Mali Moland from her son, Private Ole Moland, who was in England serving with the 21st Canadian Reserve Battalion.
GENERAL NOTE: Information for the biographical sketch is taken from Trails, Trials and Triumphs of Edberg and Community: a History of Edberg, Dried Meat Lake, Viewpoint, Silver Creek, Little Beaver, Big Four, Stockholm, Meeting Creek, Matlock, Little Rock, Dorenlee, Ferry Point and Rosebush, which is available in the Provincial Archives of Alberta Reference Library, 971.233 T681 PAA, and from the records. The homestead is represented according to the Alberta Township Survey (ATS) system. This fonds was donated at the same time, and in the same accession as the following fonds: Ole Moland fonds.

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