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No.: PR0618
TITLE: Charles Lee fonds
CREATOR: Charles Lee
DATE RANGE: 1916-1954
EXTENT: 381 negatives. - 24 photographs.
HISTORY/BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH: Charles Lee was born in ca. 1893 in Lancanshire, England. As a youth, he worked in coalmines. In 1919, he emigrated from England and settled in Mountain Park, Alberta. While living in Mountain Park, he worked in various positions for the coal mine including delivery person, steam engineer, and watchman. Throughout his life, Lee practiced photography. He and fellow photographer, Allan Godby developed their photographs of Mountain Park, and created postcards. Jane McLeod came to Mountain Park from Edmonton, Alberta. Charles and Jane married and had two children: Mary and Sandy. In 1950, after the Mountain Park mine closed, the Lee family moved to Mercoal, and Charles worked in the Mercoal mine until its closure in 1959. The family then moved to Edson, Alberta. Following Edson, Jane and Charles moved to Edmonton, Alberta. While living in Edmonton, Charles worked as a steam engineer for the main branch of the YMCA. Charles held membership with the Independent Order of Oddfellows and the Elks. In 1973, Charles passed away.
CUSTODIAL HISTORY:Mrs. Jane Lee, wife of Charles Lee, deposited the records in the Provincial Archives of Alberta in 1990 and 1997. In 1996, Sister Elizabeth Losinski donated 6 negatives and 7 photographs to the Provincial Archives of Alberta. Sister Losinski's father, Michael Losinski lived in Mountain Park.
SCOPE AND CONTENT: The fonds consists of photographs and negatives taken by Lee Charles featuring individuals, buildings, the Lee family and views of Mountain Park, Alberta dating from 1916 to 1954. Some of the photographs appear in panoramic views.
LANGUAGE NOTE: The material is in English.

Images of the Lee family also appear in the Godby Family fonds (PR3251).

For more information on the Coal Branch, see the Coal Branch Historical Preservation Society fonds (PR0276), the Cadomin Coal Company fonds (PR0997), the Bill Davies fonds (PR2331), the Nicholas Melnyk fonds (PR1303), and the Andrew A. den Otter fonds (PR3371).

GENERAL NOTE: Information for biographical sketch sourced from Wegert, Joan P. Talbot. Mountain View Memories. Try Gra-Fix: 1999. Available at the Provincial Archives of Alberta Reference Library. Photographs from this fonds can be found in A file under location numbers A.19,403-A.19,415 and in CL file under location numbers CL.001-CL.374, and on-line through the Provincial Archives of Alberta website available at .
RELATED ITEMS: CL1 (Legislature Building, Edmonton, Alberta.)
CL10 (Viking, Alberta.)
CL100 (Picnic by Luscar. Charles Lee's car.)
CL101 (Picnic at Luscar holding radishes.)
CL102 (Charles Lee , girls, and car at house, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL103 (Babies, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL104 (Children of Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL105 (Nellie Wright and her Kewpie doll, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL106 (Yolanda and Jean Bello, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL107 (Sleeping in Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL108 (Charles Lee car at Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL109 (Mary Lee climbing, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL11 (Viking, Alberta.)
CL110 (Mary Lee in the crib, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL111 (Jane and Mary Lee, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL112 (Joys of bathing Mary Lee, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL113 (Mary and Sandy Lee, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL114 (Who says "I can't climb." Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL115 (Wading at Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL116 (Mary Lee in yard, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL117 (Picnic by Luscar.)
CL118 (Beautiful winter day in Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL119 (Mary Lee and her "Nicky" dog.)
CL12 (Viking, Alberta.)
CL120 (Got Christmas tree, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL121 (Mary and Sandy Lee, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL122 ("Ye old scrub bucket." Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL123 ("Huh - that's dirty." Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL124 (Mountain Park area, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL125 (Outside Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL126 (Mary and Sandy Lee by Thornton Creek at Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL127 (Christmas at Charles Lee home, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL128 (Christmas at Charles Lee home, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL129 (Lee girls, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL13 (Frank Dunalow farm near Viking, Alberta.)
CL130 (Christmas, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL131 (Mary and Sandy Lee at Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL132 (Christmas, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL133 (Christmas, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL134 (Sandy and Mary Lee, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL135 (Mrs. Gertude Lee with "Charlie," Charles Lee's nephew.)
CL136 (Snowman (short row of houses), Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL137 (Snowman, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL138 (Esther Stowe at family Namio farm. Charles Lee's cousin.)
CL139 (Children in Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL14 (Jasper National Park original gate entrance, Jasper, Alberta.)
CL140 (On hill at Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL141 (Children at Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL142 (Out of Luscar. Jane Lee on Indian Scout motorcycle.)
CL143 (Agnes Lee and Chuck Wright. Indian Scout motorcycle. Road to Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL144 (Jane Lee outside of Luscar. Tents down by railway.)
CL145 (Charles Lee being photographed.)
CL146 (Sunday ball game camping outside of Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL147 (Mountain Park ball players. Woman has a fur coat.)
CL148 (Sunday ball game outside Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL149 (Charles Lee balling with his "Poochie" back catcher dog.)
CL15 (Jasper town site - Jasper Park train station looking west, Jasper, Alberta.)
CL150 (Mountain Park and ladomen ball game at Sports Day.)
CL151 (Allan Godby and Charles Lee at Mountain Park tennis court.)
CL152 (Tennis group.)
CL153 (Mountain Park hockey game.)
CL154 (Soccer game - Sport Day at Mountain Park.)
CL155 (Sport Day at north end of Long Row, Mountain Park.)
CL156 (Sports Day at Mountain Park - Loclom of Long Row - sack race.)
CL157 (Sports Day - high jump.)
CL158 (Jane and Mary Lee at Cadomin Swings.)
CL159 (Rafting on Ruby Lake out of Mountain Park.)
CL16 (Jasper town site - totem pole - Imperial Bank of Canada, Jasper, Alberta.)
CL160 (Charles Lee and Bill Stowe "having a cool one.")
CL161 (Playing bridge in Albert Wright's home, Mountain Park.)
CL162 (Playing bridge in Albert Wright's home, Mountain Park.)
CL163 (Crystal radio at Albert Wright's home.)
CL164 (Crystal radio.)
CL165 (Christmas tree hunt, Mountain Park.)
CL166 (Freight train and Mountain Park.)
CL167 (Road to British collieries (German town).)
CL168 (C. Lee and friends.)
CL169 (Charles Lee and Albert Wright culling trees - little north of Mountain Park.)
CL17 (Jasper town site - Jasper Station looking east, Jasper, Alberta.)
CL170 (Southest cabin, south of Mountain Park.)
CL171 (Bridge over Southest River.)
CL172 ("Germantown" or British collieries south of Mountain Park.)
CL173 (Alan Kwasney watching Sandy McLeod cross Whitehorse River between Mountain Park and Cadomin.)
CL174 (Charles Lee and Sandy, Mountain Park on Lee swing.)
CL175 (Charles Lee with his dog, "Poochie.")
CL176 (Chuck Wright outside of Mountain Park.)
CL177 (Charles Lee and Albert Wright out checking on their horses.)
CL178 (Allan Godby, Jim Price, and Albert Wright at Falls in Cardinal outside of Mountain Park.)
CL179 (Hunting up Cheviot creek.)
CL18 (Jasper Cavell Tea House, Jasper, Alberta.)
CL180 (Mountain sheep back of Mount Cheviot.)
CL181 (Frank Dunalow with his sheep out of Mountain Park.)
CL182 (Two mountain sheep killed on ground.)
CL183 (Medicine Tent River with moose.)
CL184 (Pulling dead moose across Medicine Tent River.)
CL185 (Dressing out a moose outside Mountain Park.)
CL186 (Grizzly bear hunt out of Mountain Park.)
CL187 (Finish of dressing out moose outside of Mountain Park.)
CL188 (Deer kill out of Mountain Park.)
CL189 (Fishing out of Mountain Park.)
CL19 (Old Miette pool, Jasper, Alberta.)
CL190 (Fishing down Thistle Creek.)
CL191 (Stan Turner and fishing.)
CL192 (Log cabin down from Long Row homes, Mountain Park.)
CL193 (Flapjack Lake out of Mountain Park.)
CL194 (Rodeo, Hinton.)
CL195 (Frank Seabolt's Bar "F" Ranch, Mountain Park.)
CL196 (Frank Seabolt's Bar "F" Ranch, Mountain Park.)
CL197 (Mountain Park gang riding at Bar F.)
CL198 (Charlie Lee's horses at Mountain Park.)
CL199 (Group camping near Mountain Park.)
CL2 (Legislature Building, Edmonton, Alberta.)
CL20 (Looking down at Mountain Park from Mount Harris, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL200 (Camping out of Mountain Park - in winter "Teepee" affair.)
CL201 (Mountain Park area - camping 1930s.)
CL202 (1930s camping outside Mountain Park.)
CL203 (1930s camping down Southest outside of Mountain Park. Mount Saracen on left.)
CL204 (Charles Lee - winter camp out by Mountain Park.)
CL205 (Camping in Southest County.)
CL206 (Camping outside Mountain Park. Tending to hobbled horses.)
CL207 (Mountain Park camping group.)
CL208 (Camping outside Mountain Park.)
CL209 (Camping outside Mountain Park.)
CL21 (Mountain Park seen from Mount Harris, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL210 (Camping in south east area, Saracen Head Mountain left.)
CL211 (Cabin "Tin Roof" - Rocky Pass area out of Mountain Park.)
CL212 (Out of Mountain Park, forestry ranger cabin #7.)
CL213 (Tin Roof cabin front.)
CL214 (Forestry cabin at the Cardinal.)
CL215 (Sunday picnic up by divide outside Mountain Park.)
CL216 (Out of Mountain Park, "Tin Roof" area.)
CL217 (No title.)
CL218 (Out of Mountain Park.)
CL219 ("Tin Roof" area out of Mountain Park.)
CL22 (Mountain Park from Mount Harris, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL220 (Outside of Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL221 (Cardinal River, Mile 7, outside of Mountain Park.)
CL222 (Outside of Mountain Park, on the divide.)
CL223 (Cardinal River in back, outside of Mountain Park.)
CL224 ("Tin Roof" area out of Mountain Park.)
CL225 (Outside of Mountain Park.)
CL226 (No title.)
CL227 (No title.)
CL228 (Nellie Wright on "Dainty" and Norma Main on "Shorty.")
CL229 (Near Tin Roof, eight miles south of Mountain Park.)
CL23 (Mountain Park - off Mount Harris, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL230 (Mount McKenzie.)
CL231 (On Divide outside Park.)
CL232 (On Divide out of Mountain Park.)
CL233 (Out of Mountain Park.)
CL234 (Mount McKenzie behind.)
CL235 (No title.)
CL236 (Above Moutain Park mine site.)
CL237 (No title.)
CL238 (Charles Lee, self timed shot.)
CL239 (Jack Lee (Charles' brother).)
CL24 (Mountain Park from Mount Harris, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL240 (Taken in Charles Lee's horse corral in Mountain Park.)
CL241 (Tin Roof Lake and area with Arm Chair Mountain.)
CL242 (Elsie Godby.)
CL243 (Looking down Long Row by hospital towards mine.)
CL244 (Cabin - fire fighting equipment on walls.)
CL245 (Down Long Row houses in Mountain Park, by hospital.)
CL246 (Mel Bergman and Norma Main on "Shorty.")
CL247 (No title.)
CL248 (At pumps on "John Gillespie" farm at Rochtfort Bridge.)
CL249 (Picnic up the Whitehorse Creek between Cadomin and Mountain Park.)
CL25 (Mountain Park taken from Mount Harris - Mount Cheviot on left, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL250 (Teeter totter at Southest camp.)
CL251 (No title.)
CL252 (Crimson Lake by Rocky Mountain House, Alberta.)
CL253 (Crimson Lake by Rocky Mountain House, Alberta.)
CL254 (Picnic down by Embarras River.)
CL255 (No title.)
CL256 (Eva, Nellie and Albert Wright picnic outside of Mountain Park.)
CL257 (Picnic outside Mountain Park.)
CL258 (Campout.)
CL259 (Sheep hunter up Cheviot Creek out of Mountain Park.)
CL26 (C.N.R. train (passenger) known as "Blue Flea" at Mountain Park Station, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL260 ("Trail" lunch break.)
CL261 (Picnic up Thornton Creek by Mount Cheviot.)
CL262 (No title.)
CL263 (Mount McKenzie on side Mines Roof.)
CL264 (Picnic out of Mountain Park.)
CL265 (No title.)
CL266 (Coming out of Luscar.)
CL267 (At Mountain Park Station.)
CL268 (Mary Lee in front of Charles Lee's car at Thornton Creek.)
CL269 (At Ladomin.)
CL27 (Main commercial area, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL270 (Jasper Park ranges and cabins.)
CL271 (Old prospector's cabin.)
CL272 (Part of Bar F Ranch at Hinton.)
CL273 (Cardinal Forestry Cabin near mouth of where Cardinal and Brageau rivers meet.)
CL274 (Jasper Park ranges and cabins.)
CL275 (Jasper Park ranges and cabins.)
CL276 (Jasper Park ranges and cabins.)
CL277 (Jasper Park ranges and cabins.)
CL278 (Jasper Park ranges and cabins.)
CL279 (Jasper Park ranges and cabins.)
CL28 (Winter at Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL280 (Jasper Park ranges and cabins.)
CL281 (Jasper Park ranges and cabins.)
CL282 ("Wingy" Burns cold hurl bales of hay with his right hook.)
CL283 (No title.)
CL284 (No title.)
CL285 ("Tin Roof" area out of Mountain Park.)
CL286 (Outside of Mountain Park.)
CL287 (John Gilliese farm, Rochfort Bridge.)
CL288 (Chuck Wright cutting wood.)
CL289 (Winter in Mountain Park.)
CL29 (Heavy 55" wet snow, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL290 (Jane Lee with dog "Nicki.")
CL291 (No title.)
CL292 (Mountain Park.)
CL293 (Charles Lee.)
CL294 (Sir Edward Humphey Trafford.)
CL295 (Jack Lee.)
CL296 (Jane Lee in a garden.)
CL297 (No title.)
CL298 (Pavich family.)
CL299 (Ethel Hills, Kay Kennedy, Charles Lee and Martha Wagner.)
CL3 (High Level Bridge and train, Edmonton, Alberta.)
CL30 (Looking east towards Landomin Mountains (On Left Peak), Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL300 (Brett Rhodes, Lillian Lacosta and Tommy Roone.)
CL301 (In South Est area with Mount Saracen behind.)
CL302 (No title.)
CL303 (No title.)
CL304 (No title.)
CL305 (Out walking in Thornton Creek area below Mount Cheviot, Mountain Park.)
CL306 (No title.)
CL307 (Cardinal Falls.)
CL308 (Allan Godby with "Lugar.")
CL309 (Bello family.)
CL31 (Looking east across old mine yard, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL310 (No title.)
CL311 (At Mountain Park Station.)
CL312 (Martin and Catherine Kabach wedding.)
CL313 (Martin and Catherine Kabach wedding.)
CL314 (During Mountain Park mine strike.)
CL315 (Mountain Park Miners on strike helping with harvest in Castor area.)
CL316 (Mountain Park Miners on strike in Castor area.)
CL317 (Mountain Park Miners on strike in Castor area.)
CL318 (Mountain Park miners having lunch.)
CL319 (No title.)
CL32 (Looking from Charles Lee's porch to main mine yard with tin shed in front of mines roof, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL320 (No title.)
CL321 (No title.)
CL322 (No title.)
CL323 (Mountain Park house fire.)
CL324 (Town and mine tear down.)
CL326 (Demolition of Mountain Park.)
CL327 (Mountain Park demolition.)
CL328 (Mountain Park demolition.)
CL329 (Mountain Park tear down.)
CL33 (Mountian Park commerical area, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL330A (Mountain Park tear down.)
CL330B (Mountain Park tear down.)
CL331 (Mountain Park.)
CL332 (Mount Harris Hotel or Tent City.)
CL333 (Mountain Park.)
CL334 (Mountain Park.)
CL335 (Pembina River Sarigudo, Alta. 1939.)
CL336 (No title.)
CL337 (No title.)
CL338 (No title.)
CL339 (No title.)
CL34 (Mountain Park taken from corner of cemetary (fence) looking to commercial area, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL340 (No title.)
CL341 (No title.)
CL342 (No title.)
CL343 (No title.)
CL344 (No title.)
CL345 (No title.)
CL346 (No title.)
CL347 (No title.)
CL348 (No title.)
CL349 (No title.)
CL35 (Family gathering by Mountain Park cemetary, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL350 (No title.)
CL351 (No title.)
CL352 (No title.)
CL354 (No title.)
CL355 (No title.)
CL356 (No title.)
CL357 (No title.)
CL358 (No title.)
CL359 (No title.)
CL36 (North end of Mountain Park homes and some on the hill, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL361 (No title.)
CL362 (No title.)
CL363 (No title.)
CL364 (No title.)
CL365 (No title.)
CL366 (No title.)
CL367 (No title.)
CL368 (No title.)
CL369 (No title.)
CL37 (Kids on the teeder todder at Charles Lee's home (right), Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL370 (No title.)
CL371 (No title.)
CL372 (No title.)
CL373 (No title.)
CL374 (No title.)
CL375 (No title.)
CL376 (No title.)
CL377 (No title.)
CL378 (No title.)
CL38 (Mountain Park looking east, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL39 (Mountian Park looking east, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL4 (High Level Bridge and street car, Edmonton, Alberta.)
CL40 (Up at Miette Hot Springs by tenting cabin areas, Jasper National Park, Alberta.)
CL41 (Mountain Park station, Mountian Park, Alberta.)
CL42 (Mountain Park homes at north end of long row, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL43 (Charles Lee's home, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL44 (Mountain Park mine yard seen from Charles Lee's porch, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL45 (The Lee house, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL46 (Cadomin swing with Charles Lee's car behind, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL47 (Rocky Mountain House, Alberta.)
CL48 (Early Cadomin looking west, Cadomin, Alberta.)
CL49 (Eva, Chuck, and Albert Wright at home in Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL5 (Edmonton view, Edmonton, Alberta.)
CL50 (Charles Lee's home in Mountain Park before fence up, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL51 (Going into Luscar. Jane Lee on Indian Scout motorcycle, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL52 (Charles Lee on his Indian Scout motorcycle outside of Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL53 (Jane Lee at Cardinal Falls outside of Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL54 (Top of Maligne Canyon, Alberta.)
CL55 (Down the Maligne Canyon, Alberta.)
CL56 (Tin Roof outside of Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL57 (Tin Roof outside of Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL58 (Tin Roof cabin - outside of Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL59 (Charles Lee at Tin Roof cabin area - outside of Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL6 (Grain elevators, Banff, Alberta.)
CL60 (Charles Lee's first car with rumble seat going to Luscar.)
CL61 (Outside Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL62 (Outside of Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL63 (Up in Mount Edith area.)
CL64 (Jane Lee outside of Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL65 (At Brule Lake (Athabasca River), Alberta.)
CL66 (Falls outside Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL67 (Fishing on Mary Gregg Lake out by Luscar, Alberta.)
CL68 (Canyon around Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL69 (Canadian Rockies near Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL7 (Grain elevators, Banff, Alberta.)
CL70 (Mountains on Brazeau River near Mountain Park. Canadian Rockies.)
CL71 (Farm house.)
CL72 (Capilano Canyon.)
CL73 (In Rockies out of Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL74 (Tin Roof area - ladies above cave.)
CL75 (Crimson Lake by Rocky Mountain House, Alberta.)
CL76 (Angel Glacier, Jasper, Alberta.)
CL77 (Lee children and friend on trail in Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL78 (Charles Lee's children and dogs cutting down Christmas tree.)
CL79 (Charles Lee, daughter walking outside Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL8 (Dawson Creek view - looking south, Dawson Creek, Alberta.)
CL80 (The family on Pawer House Creek behind mine area of Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL81 (Jane Lee by Thornton Creek at Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL82 (Heavy snow, Charles Lee's car - Jane Lee and daughter.)
CL83 (Clara Anderson and Mary Lee in Charles Lee's yard at Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL84 (Albert Wright with Nellie and son Chuck at Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL85 (Albert Wright with Nellie at Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL86 (In Charles Lee's home, Mary feeding Sandy.)
CL87 (Nellie Wright at home, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL88 (In Charles Lee's home, feeding.)
CL89 (Charles Lee and helpers.)
CL9 (Viking, Alberta.)
CL90 (Lee girls cleaning porch of Lee home.)
CL91 (Charles Lee's helper while building home.)
CL92 (Mary Lee sweeping up shaving.)
CL93 (Sandy Lee, Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL94 (Lee girls playing house at Mountain Park - water barrel behind.)
CL95 (Sandy Lee on their swing.)
CL96 (Mary Lee with dogs on wash stand on Lee home.)
CL97 (Charles Lee and girls cleaning up - Mountain Park, Alberta.)
CL98 (Picnic by Luscar.)
CL99 (Picnic by Luscar. Charles Lee's car.)

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