SCOPE AND CONTENT: | The series consists of records reflecting the mandate of the Health and Social Service Programs Branch for the coordination and allocation of new post-secondary training programs for nursing, nursing aides, nursing orderlies, occupational health nursing, psychiatric nursing, ambulance attendants, and nurse practitioners. The series appears to be a cleanup of records, documenting various aspects of the program including:
- Policies
- upgrading of ambulance personnel training
- a status report on fitness, health and nutrition programs and projects in Alberta
- nurse practitioner programming
- Alberta Hospital psychiatric nursing curriculum
- the psychiatric nursing ad hoc committee
- a report on rehabilitation nursing in rural hospitals
- University of Alberta Hospital School of Nursing committee records
- records of the Alberta Task Force on Nursing Education
- copies of various published reports on gerontology
- information on training programs for health care aides
- general information on nursing
- information on the nursing aides program at Alberta Vocational Centres
- nursing orderlies program curriculum
- occupational health nursing program at Grant MacEwan Community College
- psychiatric nursing curriculum and program, and
- records of the RUSH committee related to the developmentally delayed.