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No.: GR0015.001SF
TITLE: Alberta Science and Research Authority sous-fonds
CREATOR: Alberta Science and Research Authority
DATE RANGE: 1923-1998, predominant 1957-1998
EXTENT: 119.70 m of textual records and other materials
Other materials include: ca. 450 photographs, ca. 450 negatives, 133 audio cassettes, 127 video cassettes, ca. 100 architectural drawings, 53 cinefilms, 5 transparencies, and 2 maps.
HISTORY/BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH: Dates of founding and/or dissolution:
The Alberta Science and Research Authority (ASRA) was founded as the Alberta Science, Research and Technology Authority April 1, 1999 by means of the proclamation of the Alberta Science, Research and Technology Authority Act (S.A. 1998 c. A-37.3).

Functional responsibility:
The Authority is responsible for providing advice to the Minister responsible for the Act regarding science, engineering and technology development that affects the economy of Alberta; stimulating research and development and related scientific, engineering and technology activities; developing and recommending science, engineering, technology and research policies; conducting reviews of Government policy in these areas and evaluating their compatibility with economic and social policy and making recommendations to the Executive Council on the allocation of public funding to programs; and encouraging the science, engineering, technology and research community and its infrastructure in the province.

Predecessor and successor bodies:
The predecessor to the Authority was the Science and Research Authority Board, which also operated under the name Alberta Science and Research Authority.

Administrative relationships:
The Authority reports to the Minister of Innovation and Science. The Authority is a Crown corporation with two wholly-owned subsidiary corporations, the Alberta Research Council Inc., and iCore Inc.

Administrative Structure:
The Authority is made up of its Board of Management, its two subsidiary corporations and three research institutes: the Alberta Agricultural Research Institute, the Alberta Energy Research Institute, and the Alberta Forestry Institute. The Board of Management is made up of twenty-five members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. The operations of the Authority are headed by the Chief Executive Officer, who is a member of and reports to the Board. Since 2001, the Chief Executive Officer has been the Deputy Minister of Innovation and Science.

The Alberta Agricultural Research Institute is the successor to a semi-independent agency of the same name, which became part of the Ministry of Innovation and Science in 1999. In 2000, that agency was dissolved and replaced by the current Institute, which now functions as part of ASR.

The Alberta Energy Research Institute is the successor of the Alberta Oil Sands Technology and Research Agency, a semi-independent agency which was transferred from the Ministry of Energy to the Ministry of Science, Research and Information Technology in February 1999. In 2000, the Agency was dissolved and was replaced by the Institute, which functions as part of ASRA.

The Alberta Forestry Institute is the successor of the Alberta Forest Research Advisory Council. In 2000, the Council was dissolved and replaced by the Institute, which functions as part of ASRA.

Names of the corporate bodies:
Alberta Science, Research and Technology Authority 1999-2000
Alberta Science and Research Authority 2000-present

Names of chief officers:
Chairmen of the Alberta Science and Research Authority Board of Management:
Dr. Robert Church 1999-present

Chief Executive Officers of the Alberta Science and Research Authority:
Dr. Robert Fessenden 1999
Dr. Roger F. Palmer 1999-2001
Dan Bader 2001-03
Barry Mehr 2003-present

SCOPE AND CONTENT: Sous-fonds is made up of the records of the Authority's subsidiary corporation, Alberta Research Council Inc. Information on the records of Alberta Research Council Inc. may be found in the sous-sous-fonds description of that agency.
RELATED FONDS: GR0015 (Alberta Ministry of Innovation and Science fonds)
RELATED SOUS-SOUS-FONDS: GR0015.001SF.001SSF (Alberta Research Council Incorporated sous-sous-fonds)
GR0015.001SF.002SSF (Alberta Information Circle of Research Excellence Incorporated sous-sous-fonds)

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