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No.: PR0077
TITLE: Sœurs de l’Assomption de la Sainte-Vierge
CREATOR: Sœurs de l'Assomption de la Sainte Vierge
DATE RANGE: 1853-2013
EXTENT: 15.14 m of textual records and other material
Includes ca. 1000 black and white photographic prints, ca. 750 colour photographic prints, ca. 500 colour 35 mm transparencies and 18 12” colour transparencies, 3 DVDs, 3 Compact Discs: audio, 3 ½’’ open reel videos, 11 VHS videocassettes, 10 U-matic videocassettes, 11 plaques.

The religious community of the Sisters of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin was founded in the province of Québec, at Saint-Grégoire near Nicolet, in 1853 as a teaching community by Fr. Jean Harper and Léocadie Bourgeois, the first Mother Superior. In 1872 the mother-house of the community was definitely established at Nicolet and from there, missionary groups went to rural parishes in the dioceses of the Province of Québec.

The Sisters came to Western Canada in 1891 to the Oblate mission of Onion Lake, in Saskatchewan, as a result of Bishop Vital Grandin’s need for missionary teachers. From Onion Lake the Sisters spread quickly to other Roman Catholic missions in Alberta and Saskatchewan. In addition to native communities, the Sisters served the francophone population in Western Canada. Outside Canada, the Sisters worked in the United States, Brazil and Japan.

The community was divided into various ecclesiastical provinces. Alberta and Saskatchewan belonged to the ecclesiastical Province of St. John the Evangelist, administered by a Provincial office located in Edmonton, until 1998 when this ecclesiastical Province disappeared; Alberta and Saskatchewan are now directly under the administration of the community mother-house or head office in Nicolet, Province of Québec.

CUSTODIAL HISTORY:In 1973 the Sisters of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin of the ecclesiastical Province of St. John signed a permanent loan agreement with the Government of Alberta which holds their archives from convents and schools run by the Sisters in Western Canada. Some sisters have donated their own records and those were added to the community’s records.
SCOPE AND CONTENT: The fonds consists of convent and school records in the ecclesiastical Province of St. John the Evangelist run by the Sisters of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin and embracing Alberta and Saskatchewan. The records of these institutions include, with gaps, the chronicles of yearly highlights with, in most cases, yearly lists of personnel and students; the financial journals which normally contain index of boarders and/or students, registers of admissions and departures, journals of receipts and expenditures; volumes containing programs of events, such as birthdays or anniversaries or Christmas concerts; half-yearly financial reports; inventories of properties; statements of accounts normally containing records of gifts, costs, taxes, insurance policies; minutes of local meetings; records of pupils associated with the Sisters in clubs; records of awards; registers of first communions and confirmations.
The fonds also holds material concerning the Japanese internment camps in Slocan, British Columbia, during the years of the Second World War; some materials concerning the general administration of the Sisters; publications written by the Sisters or used by the Sisters in the schools; personal records of sisters covering their career or research.
LANGUAGE NOTE: Most of the records are in French.
ASSOCIATED MATERIAL: Other information concerning the activities of the Sisters of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin can be found in the Sisters’ head office in the province of Québec (311 rue Saint-Jean Baptiste, Nicolet, Québec, J3T 1H5). Additional correspondence between the Sisters in Western Canada and the Superior General can be also found in the head office archives.
RELATED RECORDS: Other information concerning the activities of the Sisters of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin can be found in the Sisters' head office in the province of Québec (311 rue Saint-Jean Baptiste, Nicolet, Québec, J3T 1H5). Additional correspondence between the Sisters in Western Canada and the Superior General can be also found in the head office archives.
RELATED FONDS: SL0077 (Fonds Sœurs de l’Assomption de la Sainte-Vierge)
RELATED SERIES: PR0077.0001 (Provincial administration office)
PR0077.0002 (Académie Assomption community, Edmonton, Alberta)
PR0077.0003 (Battleford community, Saskatchewan)
PR0077.0004 (Biggar community, Saskatchewan)
PR0077.0005 (Bonnie Doon and Holyrood communities, Edmonton)
PR0077.0006 (Bonnyville community, Alberta)
PR0077.0007 (Brosseau community, Alberta)
PR0077.0008 (Delmas community, Saskatchewan)
PR0077.0009 (Hobbema community, Alberta)
PR0077.0010 (Jasper Place community)
PR0077.0011 (La Corey community)
PR0077.0012 (Mallaig community)
PR0077.0013 (Onion Lake community, Saskatchewan)
PR0077.0014 (Saint-Edouard community)
PR0077.0015 (Saint-Joachim community)
PR0077.0016 (Saint-Paul community)
PR0077.0017 (Saint-Vincent community)
PR0077.0018 (Slocan City community)
PR0077.0019 (Thérien community)
PR0077.0020 (Val-Marie community, Saskatchewan)
PR0077.0021 (Wetaskiwin community)
PR0077.0022 (Papiers personnels de Sœurs de l'Assomption)
PR0077.0023 (Photographies diverses)
RELATED ITEMS: A15684 (Jardin d'Enfants, Saint Joachim, Edmonton)
A15685 (Couvent de Saint Joachim, Edmonton)
A15686 (Premier couvent de Thérien, #122)
A15687 (Mallaig #121, 2ième couvent)
A15688 (Mallaig - students)
A15689 (Groupe d'élèves du pensionnat d'Edmonton, grades 11 et 12)
A15690 (Premier Pensionnat de l'Assomption bénit le 26 Septembre 1926)
A15691 (Presbytère, paroisse de l'Immaculée-Conception, Edmonton)
A15692 (Eglise et première ecole St. Jean-Baptiste-de-la-Salle, Delmas, Saskatchewan)
A15693 (Première résidence des Soeurs, Delmas, Saskatchewan)
A15694 (Couvent de Delmas, Saskatchewan)
A15695 (Couvent de La Corey (inondation))
A15696 (Couvent de La Corey)
A15697 (L'église et le presbytère, Val Marie, Saskatchewan)
A15698 (M. l'abbé Oscar Beaupré, curé de Val-Marie, Sask.)
A15699 (Couvent de Val Marie, Saskatchewan)
A15700 (Couvent de Val Marie, Saskatchewan)
A15701 (Catholic Rectory, Bonnyville)
A15702 (Catholic church, Bonnyville)
A15703 (Couvent de Bonnyville, Alberta)
A15704 ([Soeurs de l'Assomption de la Sainte-Vierge], St. Vincent, Alberta)
A15705 (Couvent de St. Vincent)
A15706 (Dortoir St. Charles-G. à St. Vincent, Alberta)
A15707 (Couvent de Wetaskiwin)
A15708 (St. Gabriel's Church and Convent, Biggar, Saskatchewan)
A15709 (Queen St. (North), Biggar, Sask.)
A15710 (Chappelle de couvent, Maison Provinciale, Edmonton)
A15711 (Pensionnat de l'Assomption, Edmonton - Visite de Monsieur Edmond Bernard, Attaché Cultural de l'Ambassade de France à Ottawa...)
A15712 (Groupe d'élèves, Pensionnat, Edmonton)
A15713 (Couvent d'Edmonton, a l'occasion du passage de Notre-Dame du Cap)
A15714 (Élèves des grades 9-12, pennsionnat, Edmonton)
A15715 (Premier couvent de Battleford, Saskatchewan)
A15716 (Onion Lake, Saskatchewan, Mission Indienne. Salle de Communauté des Soeurs)
A15717 (Couvent Onion Lake)
A15718 (Chappelle du couvent, Onion Lake, Saskatchewan)
A15719 (Couvent Onion Lake, Saskatchewan)
A15720 (Réverende Mère Marie-de-la-Croix, première Supérieure Provinciale - Province St-Jean-l'Évangéliste)
A15721 (Mère Saint Joseph, Fondatrice des Soeurs de l'Assomption de la Sainte-Vierge, Saint-Grégoire, Nicolet, Québec)
A15722 (Mère Sainte Marie, Fondatrice des Soeurs de l'Assomption de la Sainte-Vierge, Saint-Grégoire, Nicolet, Québec)
A15723 (Messire Jean Harper, Curé de la paroisse de Saint-Grégoire)
A15724 (Maison de Fondation [des Soeurs de l'Assomption de la Sainte-Vierge, Saint-Grégoire, Nicolet, Québec].)
A15725 (Mère de Jésus, Fondatrice des Soeurs de l'Assomption de la Sainte-Vierge, Saint-Grégoire, Nicolet, Québec)
A15726 (Église St-Vital, Battleford, Saskatchewan)
A15727 (Catholic church, convent and school, Battleford, Saskatchewan)
A15728 (Couvent de Battleford, Saskatchewan)
A15729 (Cinquantiènne anniversaire de l'arrivée des Soeurs de l'Assomption de la Sainte-Vierge à St. Paul, Alberta, 1899 - 1949)
A15730 (Couvent des Soeurs de l'Assomption de la Sainte-Vierge, Wetaskiwin 1915 - 1929. Sacred Heart Separate School No. 15)
A15731 (Funérailles de Soeur Sainte-Clara à Cathédral Saint Paul, Alberta)
A15732 (Consécration de Son Excellence Mgr. M. Baudoux, Cathédral Saint Paul, Alberta)
A15733 (Consécration de Son Excellence Mgr. M. Baudoux, Cathédral Saint Paul, Alberta)
A15734 (École Saint-Paul, grades 1 - 11)
A15735 (Deuxième couvent de Saint-Paul des Métis)
A15736 (Grotto at the convent, St. Paul, Alberta)
A15737 (Grotto at the convent, St. Paul, Alberta)
A15738 (Pensionnat pour Métis, Saint Paul, Alberta)
A15739 (Rév. Père Adéodat Thérien, OMI, Fondateur de la paroisse Saint Paul, Alberta)
A15740 (Mission d'Hobbema, Alberta)
A15741 (3rd grade class at the Hobbema mission)
A15742 (Hobbema mission)
A15743 (Chappell du couvent, Battleford, Saskatchewan)
A15744 (Grotto at Battleford, Saskatchewan)
A16112 (Sisters of the Assumption, SASV from Nicolet, Quebec.)
A16113 (10th Anniversary of the Pensiannat (school) Assomption, Edmonton, run by the Sisters of the Assumption.)
A16114 (Mere Ste Colombe (Sisters of the Assumption) making sandwiches, Onion Lake.)
A16115 (Academie Assomption, Edmonton, school run by the Sisters of the Assumption.)
A16116 (School children attending school run by the Sisters of the Assumption, Battleford, Saskatchewan.)
A16117 (St. Vital Church, Battleford, Saskatchewan.)
A16118 (St. Vital Church, Battleford, Saskatchewan.)
A16119 (Father Mourey, priest at Battleford from December 1911 to November 1924.)
A17194 (St. Gabriel's Church and Convent, Biggar, Saskatchewan.)
A17195 (Nuns and Students at the Sisters of the Assumption Convent, Biggar, Saskatchewan.)
A17196 (Nuns and Students at the St. Gabriel School, Biggar, Saskatchewan.)
A17197 (Catholic Church, Convent and School, Battleford, Sask.)
A17198 (Windsor Hotel, Battleford, Saskatchewan.)
A17199 (Sister Philomine, one of the founders of the Sisters of the Assumption's convent at Battleford, Sask.)
A17200 (Nuns and Students from the Assumption Academy, Battleford, Saskatchewan.)
A17203 (Sisters of the Assumption in a horse drawn wagon at Onion Lake, Saskatchewan.)
A17204 (Sisters of the Assumption with Native drummers and tipi at Onion Lake, Saskatchewan.)
A17205 (Sisters of the Assumption with Indian Students at Onion Lake, Saskatchewan.)
A17206 (Indian Students (taught by the Sisters of the Assumption) at Onion Lake, Saskatchewan.)
A17207 (Sisters of the Assumption at Delmas, Saskatchewan.)
A17208 (Students of the Sisters of the Assumption at Delmas, Saskatchewan.)
A17209 (Sisters of the Assumption at Indian Reservation near Delmas, Saskatchewan.)
A17210 (Sisters of the Assumption returning from a picnic at Lac Caplette near Delmas, Saskatchewan.)
A17211 (St. Jean Baptiste de la Salle School, Delmas, Saskatchewan.)
A17212 (School at Delmas, Saskatchewan.)
A17213 (St. Jean Baptiste de la Salle Church and Residential School at the Indian Mission, Delmas, Saskatchewan.)
A19685 (Music students at Val Marie School, Saskatchewan. (Sisters of Assumption))
A19688 (Students at Val Marie School, Saskatchewan. (Sisters of Assumption))
A21212 (Soeurs de l'Assomption, Education, Brosseau.)
A21213 ("Elèves en Classe". Soeurs de l'Assomption, Education, Brosseau.)
A21215 ("Elèves en Classe". Soeurs de l'Assomption, Education, Brosseau.)
A21216 (Soeurs de l'Assomption, Education. Premiers Congrés de la Relève alhestaine.)
A21217 (Soeurs de l'Assomption, Education. 1er Festival Francais a St. Paul, Mai 1955.)
A21254 (Soeurs de l'Assomption, Hobbema. Famille Rainet Fraisen.)
A21286 (Native Dancers at the School, Hobbema.)
A21287 ("Speach before the Chiefs", Hobemma.)

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