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No.: PR0308
TITLE: Ora B. Moore fonds
CREATOR: Ora B. Moore
DATE RANGE: 1912-1967
EXTENT: 0.08 m of textual records. – 12 photographs
HISTORY/BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH: Ora B. Moore was born March 30, 1888 in the American Midwest. Moore’s father was a farmer and ran a small country store. Moore had an older brother and sister as well as one younger brother. Due to the health of his father, Moore left school at age fourteen to help on the family farm. He returned to school two years later where he met Erma M. Sutton, a teacher who later became his wife. At age eighteen, Moore pursued a degree in agriculture, specializing in animal husbandry at Iowa State College. Moore was involved in a variety of extra curricular activities while at College including football, the Y.M.C.A., Bible study groups, and a college fraternity. In the summer of 1912, Moore visited the Lacombe-Bentley area of Alberta. There he met a gentleman who wished to swap land in this area for land in Dakota. Moore, interested in pioneering in Alberta, made the swap. Moore then returned to Iowa to graduate, married Erma Sutton, and returned to the Bentley, Alberta area with livestock and household effects. Shortly after, the couple moved to the Rimbey, Alberta area and had three children. In 1918, Moore joined a delegation travelling to Edmonton, Alberta in hopes of having a rail line extended to Rimbey. After World War I, the family moved to Edmonton where the couple had five more children. During World War II, Moore was director of a horsemeat co-operative, which shipped canned meat overseas. During his life, Moore had been involved in a variety of enterprises including a car dealership; real estate sales; a livery stable; buying and selling cattle, lumber, fish, and ice; trucking; a restaurant in the 1930s; and an antique furniture store. Moore also served as a Social Credit Member of Alberta’s Legislative Assembly for Ponoka from 1944 to 1953. Erma Moore passed away on December 23, 1968. Ora B. Moore passed away June 27, 1973.
SCOPE AND CONTENT: Fonds consists of a diary, a photo album depicting Rimbey, Alberta, political posters, newspaper clippings, instructions for constructing pillows, invitations, and a receipt book from the family farm auction sale. Fonds also consists of reference letters for Erma Sutton.
GENERAL NOTE: For additional information, refer also to the Provincial Archives of Alberta’s information files and library text entitled “Over the Years: A History of the Rimbey Area.” There is a discrepancy among published sources as to the place of birth of Ora B. Moore. “Over the Years: A History of the Rimbey Area” states Moore was born in Missouri while the Rimbey Record of July 11, 1973 states Moore was born near Moulton, Iowa.

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