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No.: PR1093
TITLE: Beta Sigma Phi fonds
CREATOR: Beta Sigma Phi. Edmonton Area
DATE RANGE: 1938-2003
EXTENT: 2.48 m of textual records and other material
Includes 37 scrapbooks, 13 photograph albums, 1090 negatives, 37 posters, 32 photographs, and 4 transparencies.
HISTORY/BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH: Beta Sigma Phi was founded by Walter W. Ross in 1931 in response to a perceived need for an organization to bring women together and expose them to a social, cultural and educational climate that was not otherwise available to them at this time. The first such group was brought together on April 30, 1931 in Abilene, Kansas. The Greek letters of the name, Beta Sigma Phi, represent Life, Learning and Friendship, the organization’s motto. When Beta Sigma Phi was first introduced to Edmonton, Alberta this international sorority had already established Canadian chapters in Toronto, Windsor, London, Chatham, Hamilton, Kingston, Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Brandon, Calgary, Vancouver and New Westminster. Beta Sigma Phi began in Edmonton in 1938, following a national tour by Hazel Wilson, who was establishing chapters of Beta Sigma Phi, a sorority for business and college girls, as she traveled. Miss Wilson installed two chapters in Edmonton on November 22, 1938: Alberta Beta and Alberta Gamma (Alberta Alpha had previously been established in Calgary). Chapters of Beta Sigma Phi continued to be established in Edmonton and in the Edmonton area; in 1962 there were eleven active chapters and by 1986, there were twenty-five chapters. Admission to chapters is through membership by invitation and initiation by official ritual. Members may graduate to different levels, depending on their involvement in the organization and the number of years of active membership; levels include Nu Phi Mu (for ages 17 to 23), Ritual of Jewels, Exemplar, Preceptor and Laureate. Stipulated in the Book of Beta Sigma Phi, Beta Sigma Phi’s manual, positions within a Chapter include: president, vice-president, extension officer, recording secretary, corresponding secretary and treasurer, and committees include: program, membership, social, publicity, ways and means and service.
SCOPE AND CONTENT: The fonds consists of the records of the Edmonton Area chapters and the Edmonton Area Council, and have been divided into the following sous-fonds: Alpha Mu Chapter, Alpha Nu Chapter, Beta Chapter, Chi Chapter, Edmonton Area Council of Beta Sigma Phi, Iota Chapter, Nu Chapter, Nu Phi Mu Chapter, Omega Chapter, Preceptor Epsilon Chapter, Preceptor Gamma Chapter, Xi Chapter, Xi Alpha Chapter, Xi Epsilon Chapter, Xi Mu Chapter, Xi Sigma Chapter, and Xi Theta Chapter.
ASSOCIATED MATERIAL: The records of the Alpha Psi Chapter (St. Albert) can be found in Beta Sigma Phi Sorority fonds at the Musée Heritage Museum in St. Albert, Alberta.
GENERAL NOTE: Information for the administrative history is from the records.
RELATED SOUS-FONDS: PR1093.001SF (Alpha Mu Chapter sous-fonds)
PR1093.002SF (Alpha Nu Chapter sous-fonds)
PR1093.003SF (Beta Chapter sous-fonds)
PR1093.004SF (Chi Chapter sous-fonds)
PR1093.005SF (Edmonton Area Council of Beta Sigma Phi sous-fonds)
PR1093.006SF (Iota Chapter sous-fonds)
PR1093.007SF (Nu Chapter sous-fonds)
PR1093.008SF (Nu Phi Mu Chapter sous-fonds)
PR1093.009SF (Omega Chapter sous-fonds)
PR1093.010SF (Preceptor Epsilon Chapter sous-fonds)
PR1093.011SF (Preceptor Gamma Chapter sous-fonds)
PR1093.012SF (Xi Chapter sous-fonds)
PR1093.013SF (Xi Alpha Chapter sous-fonds)
PR1093.014SF (Xi Epsilon Chapter sous-fonds)
PR1093.015SF (Xi Mu Chapter sous-fonds)
PR1093.016SF (Xi Sigma Chapter sous-fonds)
PR1093.017SF (Xi Theta Chapter sous-fonds)

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