| LEVEL OF DESCRIPTION: | Fonds | No.: | PR1563 | TITLE: | Boîte à Popicos fonds | CREATOR: | Boîte à Popicos | DATE RANGE: | 1978-1983 | EXTENT: | 0.79 m of textual records. – 3 transparencies. – 2 posters | ADMINISTRATIVE | HISTORY/BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH: | Boîte à Popicos was founded in 1978 by Suzette Lagacé-Aubin and sponsored by Canadian Parents for French (Alberta Chapter). At the time, it was Alberta's only French theatre for young audiences. Based in Edmonton, Alberta, Boîte à Popicos hoped to make the French language a living subject both in and outside the classroom. The productions were designed especially for students learning French as a second language and toured many schools in Edmonton and throughout Alberta and Western Canada. Boîte à Popicos' founding members included Suzette Lagacé-Aubin, Roger Busque and Gilles Denis. Boîte à Popicos was incorporated in Alberta as a non-profit private association on August 17, 1979 and was later registered as a company under the Federal Charities Act. In 1992, Boîte à Popicos amalgamated with le Théâtre français d'Edmonton to form l'Unithéâtre. | SCOPE AND CONTENT: | The fonds consists of the records of Boîte à Popicos and includes minutes, financial statements and other financial records, reports, correspondence, grant applications, pamphlets, questionnaires, press releases, newspaper clippings, touring schedules, contracts, scripts, costume and set designs, vocabulary lists and colouring and work books. | RELATED RECORDS: | Also see the Théâtre Français d’Edmonton fonds at the Provincial Archives of Alberta. | GENERAL NOTE: | Information for the administrative history is from the records and from http://collections.ic.gc.ca/ABpresse/FrancoSection/F_Arts.html, accessed March 2, 2005. | RELATED FONDS: | SL1563 (Fonds Boîte à Popicos)