| LEVEL OF DESCRIPTION: | Fonds | No.: | PR2631 | TITLE: | Maria Manna Fonds | CREATOR: | Manna, Maria | DATE RANGE: | 1993 | EXTENT: | 1 audio cassette | ADMINISTRATIVE | HISTORY/BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH: | Maria Manna lived in Edmonton, Alberta. While in Edmonton, she sang with various musicians such as Paul Horn, the George Haden Orchestra, Tommy Banks, and Paul Buretti. She served as President of the Universal Jazz Advocates and Mentors Society (UJAMS). She also entertained for the Canadian Military in Bosnia in 2000. She has performed in Jazz festivals in Edmonton, Vancouver Island, and Victoria. Maria Manna has released three recordings Solo Amore, Maria Manna in Bosnia, and Between the Sheets. Maria Manna also works as Etiquette Consultant on Vancouver Island. As a certified Etiquette and Protocol Consultant, she regularly speaks to organizations such as charm classes, Chambers of Commerce, and Rotary Clubs. | SCOPE AND CONTENT: | The fonds consists of an audio cassette recording entitled Solo Amore by Maria Manna dating from 1993. | GENERAL NOTE: | Information for the administrative history/biographical sketch is sourced from Maria Manna Music, http://www.mariamannamusic.com/about.htm (Accessed August 22, 2007). |