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No.: PR1928
TITLE: Marjorie May Davidson fonds
CREATOR: Davidson, Marjorie May
DATE RANGE: 1912 - 1971
EXTENT: 0.07 m of textual records. -- 63 photographs. -- 2 postcards.
HISTORY/BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH: Marjorie May Davidson was born in South Dakota sometime around 1902; she was the daughter of Percy J. and Mary Olive Davidson. The Davidson family was living in Edmonton, Alberta by about 1906. She completed her elementary education at Queens Avenue Public School and high school education at Victoria High School, both in Edmonton. She also attended Sunday school at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Edmonton. Marjorie completed a Diploma of Physical Education at McGill University in Montréal, Québec in May of 1926. In June of 1933 she completed a Bachelor of Science in Education at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington. Marjorie worked as Superintendent of Girls’ Work at the Edmonton Gyro Playgrounds and as a school teacher in Edmonton. She later worked as both Assistant Physical Director and Physical Director at the Edmonton Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA). She was also a physical instructor and physical director for the Edmonton Public School Board. Marjorie also worked at the Alberta Department of Education before retiring in 1975. Marjorie May Davidson died September 18, 1990 in Edmonton at the age of 88.
CUSTODIAL HISTORY:The records were held by the Edmonton Public School Board Archives before being donated to the Provincial Archives of Alberta in 1990 by Catherine Luck, the School Board Archivist.
SCOPE AND CONTENT: The fonds consists of records relating to the life of Marjorie Davidson and includes a cash book detailing household accounts from August 1956 to December 1971; diaries for the years 1930-1932, 1934-1938, 1949-1953, and 1959-1963; a Certificate of Merit for attendance/performance at Westminster Presbyterian Sunday School; a Diploma of Physical Education from McGill University – granted in May 1926; a certificate for a Bachelor of Science in Education from the University of Washington – granted in June 1933; photographs of Marjorie, various friends, her time at McGill, classes at the YWCA, trips around Alberta; 2 postcards; newspaper clippings about Marjorie May Davidson.
GENERAL NOTE: Information for the biographical sketch is taken from the Henderson’s Edmonton, Alberta, City Directory, from Edmonton Journal obituaries and from the records.
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