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No.: GR0007
TITLE: Career Development and Employment fonds
CREATOR: Career Development and Employment
DATE RANGE: 1968-1989
EXTENT: 57.16 m of textual records
HISTORY/BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH: Dates of founding and/or dissolution:
The Department of Career Development and Employment was effectively created under the name Department of Manpower in November 1982 by means of Order in Council 1215/82 under the authority of the Public Service Administrative Transfers Act. This Order in Council transferred administration of manpower functions to the new Minister of Manpower. The creation of the department was formalised by the passage and proclamation of the Department of Manpower Act, effective April 1, 1983. The name of the department was changed to the Department of Career Development and Employment effective September 12, 1986 by means of the Department of Manpower Statutes Amendment Act.

The department was dissolved effective December 12, 1992 by means of Order in Council 749/92 under the authority of the Public Service Administrative Transfers Act, which transferred most of the functions and responsibilities of the Minister to the new Minister of Advanced Education and Career Development.

Functional responsibility:
The principal functional responsibilities of the department were the planning, development and implementation of policies and programs designed to meet the present and anticipated future manpower needs of the province.

The department was responsible for the administration of the following acts and all regulations under these acts:

Department of Manpower Act
Department of Career Development and Employment Act
Manpower Development Act
Apprenticeship Act
Apprenticeship, Training and Certification Act

Predecessor and successor bodies:
The predecessor of the Department of Career Development and Employment was the Department of Advanced Education and Manpower, Manpower Services Division. The successor of the department was the Department of Advanced Education and Career Development. The immigration services functions of the department were transferred to the Department of Economic Development and Tourism in 1992.

Administrative relationships:
The Department of Career Development and Employment reported to the Legislative Assembly through the Minister of Career Development and Employment. The Minister also passed to the Legislature the annual reports of a number of semi-independent agencies:

  • Alberta Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Board (renamed Apprenticeship, Training and Certification Board in 1985 and Apprenticeship and Industry Training Board effective January 1, 1992)
  • Manpower Advisory Council (until its dissolution in 1986)
Administrative structure:
The structure of the department was hierarchical. The principal components of the department were various divisions, each in turn made up of a number of branches.

Beginning in 1986, the department went through a series of frequent internal reorganizations. Program delivery units were re-structured almost annually. Significant department-wide reorganizations occurred in 1986, 1987 and 1990. The principal functions of the department were performed by the following units:

  1. Administrative and department support functions: Central Support Services Division (1983-1986) and Finance and Administrative Services Division (1986-1992)
  2. Planning and administration of apprenticeship and trades training and certification of journeymen: Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Branch (1983-1987) and Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Division (1990-1992)
  3. Career planning and employment counselling services: Career Development Division (1983-1986) and Career Development Centres under the administration of the Field Services Division (1986-1992)
  4. Employment preparation and training programs: Employment Development Division (1983-1986) and Career Development Centres under the administration of the Field Services Division (1986-1992)
  5. Recruitment of skilled workers, services to immigrants, and resettlement services to Albertans: Occupational Services Branch (1983-1986), Manpower Mobility Branch (1983-1986) and Immigration and Settlement Division (1990-1992)
  6. Labour market information, research and planning: Planning Secretariat (1983-1986), Manpower Information and Planning Division (1986), Labour Market Information and Planning Division (1986-1987), Labour Market Research Division (1987-1990) and Policy and Research Division (1990-1992)
  7. Policy and program development: Employment Development Division (1983-1986), Training and Employment Services Division (1986-1987), Policy and Program Development Division (1987-1990) and Policy and Research Division (1990-1992)
Names of the corporate bodies:
Department of Manpower (1982-1986)
Department of Career Development and Employment (1986-1992)

Names of chief officers:
Ministers of Manpower/Career Development and Employment:
Ernie Isley (1982-1986)
Richard D. Orman (1986-1988)
Kenneth R. Kowalski (1988-1989)
Constance E. Osterman (1989)
Kenneth R. Kowalski (Acting) (1989)
Norman A. Weiss (1989-1992)

CUSTODIAL HISTORY:The majority of records of the fonds were transferred to the Provincial Archives by the department's successor agencies, the Department of Advanced Education and Career Development and Alberta Learning. The balance of the records were received directly from the Department of Career Development and Employment.
SCOPE AND CONTENT: Fonds consists of records of the department created through the performance of the following mandated activities:
  • providing career counselling services, including information, counselling, planning and testing services to assist individuals in making career choices
  • providing employment placement and training services
  • administration and operation of Alberta Career Development Centres
  • identifying present and future workplace skills requirements
  • recruiting from outside the province workers with skills identified as those in which the province's workforce is deficient
  • providing employment, training, and settlement services to immigrants
  • providing resettlement counselling services to Albertans
  • providing skills training programs and coordinating private provision of skills training
  • certifying individuals engaged in trades designated under Part 3 of the Manpower Development Act
  • performing research on the Alberta labour market, composition of the province's workforce, and skills needs of the province's economy in support of planning and policy and program development
  • creating and administering special manpower development programs and projects for the unemployed and individuals with special training needs
  • creating information management systems to support apprenticeship training and tradesman certification programs
  • performing strategic planning functions
  • performing financial and other administrative support services
The fonds includes records of the Deputy Minister's office, the offices of various Assistant Deputy Ministers, and various divisions and branches of the department. The fonds is made up of administrative and operational records, including correspondence and subject files, samples of various types of case files containing application forms, testing results, counselling notes and application assessments, records of departmental, interdepartmental, and intergovernmental committees and task forces, including minutes, agendas and reports, information systems manuals, policy and position papers, briefing notes and issues books, forms, licenses and certificates, contracts and agreements, registers of apprenticeship contracts, requests for decision, planning papers, statistical reports, reference material, publications, and press releases.

The records have been arranged into the following series:

  1. Field Services Personnel committee and meeting records
  2. Field Services Personnel fire procedures, first aid and grievance records
  3. Vocational Training Branch committee records
  4. Apprenticeship and Trades Certification Branch apprenticeship ledgers
  5. Apprenticeship and Trades Certification Division apprenticeship ledgers
  6. College Programs Branch records
  7. Field Services Division institutional records
  8. Field Services Division Alberta Career Centre records
  9. Field Services Division client case records
  10. Training and Employment Services records
  11. Career Development Centre records
  12. Career Development Sector administrative records
  13. Employment Counselling and Relocation Services records
  14. Special Manpower Programs Branch records
  15. Occupational Services Branch human rights records
  16. Occupational Services Branch training and employment program records
  17. Career Development Sector Summer Temporary Employment Program records
  18. Deputy Minister's Office records
  19. Manpower Services Division records
  20. Career Development Sector operational records
  21. Edmonton Career Centre records
  22. Manpower Services Division Assistant Deputy Minister records
  23. Career Development Sector task force and working group records
  24. Employment Development Sector records
  25. St. Paul Career Centre native band list
  26. St. Paul Career Centre administrative records
It also includes the Manpower Advisory Council sous-fonds.
GENERAL NOTE: The fonds includes records created by predecessor agencies the Department of Manpower and Labour and the Department of Advanced Education and Manpower. These records were included in the fonds because they were used by the Department of Career Development and Employment in the fulfillment of its mandate before transfer of the records to the Provincial Archives.
RELATED SOUS-FONDS: GR0007.001SF (Manpower Advisory Council sous-fonds)
RELATED SERIES: GR0007.0001 (Field Services Personnel committee and meeting records)
GR0007.0002 (Field Services Personnel fire procedures, first aid and grievance records)
GR0007.0003 (Vocational Training Branch committee records)
GR0007.0004 (Apprenticeship and Trades Certification Branch apprenticeship ledgers)
GR0007.0005 (Apprenticeship and Trades Certification Division apprenticeship ledgers)
GR0007.0006 (College Programs Branch records)
GR0007.0007 (Field Services Division institutional records)
GR0007.0008 (Field Services Division Alberta Career Centre records)
GR0007.0009 (Field Services Division client case records)
GR0007.0011F (Career Development Centre records)
GR0007.0012 (Career Development Sector administrative records)
GR0007.0013 (Employment Counselling and Relocation Services records)
GR0007.0014 (Special Manpower Programs Branch records)
GR0007.0015 (Occupational Services Branch human rights records)
GR0007.0016F (Occupational Services Branch training and employment program records)
GR0007.0017 (Career Development Sector Summer Temporary Employment Program records)
GR0007.0018F (Deputy Minister's Office records)
GR0007.0019 (Manpower Services Division records)
GR0007.0020 (Career Development Sector operational records)
GR0007.0022 (Manpower Services Division Assistant Deputy Minister records)
GR0007.0023 (Career Development Sector task force and working group records)
GR0007.0024 (Employment Development Sector records)
GR0007.0025F (St. Paul Career Centre native band list)
GR0007.0026F (St. Paul Career Centre administrative records)
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