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No.: GR0006.005SF
TITLE: Alberta Mental Health Advisory Board sous-fonds
CREATOR: Alberta Mental Health Advisory Board
EXTENT: 0.00 m of textual records
HISTORY/BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH: Dates of founding and/or dissolution:
The Alberta Mental Health Board was created in 1994 with the name Provincial Mental Health Board by means of Order in Council 286/94 pursuant to the Regional Health Authorities Act. The Board's name was changed in 1996 and in 1999.

Functional responsibility:
Until 2003, the Board was responsible for the delivery of mental health services, and overseeing community-based services. The Board was established to consolidate under one authority all community-based and in-patient mental health services provided by the provincial government.
In 1995, the Board assumed direct responsibility for the Alberta Hospital Ponoka and Alberta Hospital Edmonton from the Department of Health. Also in 1995, the Board entered into an agreement with the Department to operate on its behalf the Claresholm and Raymond Care Centres and 54 community mental health clinics and to take on responsibility for directing funding to community based agencies providing prevention, treatment and support services.
After the transfer of community mental health and children's mental health services to community mental health clinics, the programs offered directly from the Board were limited to province-wide specialized programs. These programs included forensic psychiatry, adult psychiatry, brain injury rehabilitation, and geriatric psychiatry.
Effective April 1, 2003, the Board's mandate was changed. Responsibility for providing most mental health services was transferred to the regional health authorities, including responsibility for hospitals and care facilities. The Board became responsible for assessing regional mental health plans and working with regional health authorities to develop a provincial mental health plan and establish provincial program councils for specific mental health services. The Board retained responsibility for province-wide services and programs: forensic psychiatry, suicide prevention programs, aboriginal mental health and mental health information systems. The Board also retained its responsibility for advising the Minister on matters relating to mental health, integration of mental health services into the regional health authorities, and on performance standards and measures for mental health services. The Board continued to be responsible for consulting with advocacy groups and mental health promotion and education.

Predecessor and successor bodies:
The functions of the Board were previously the responsibility of the Mental Health Division of the Department of Health and its predecessors.

Administrative relationships:
The Board reports to the Minister of Health and Wellness. Between 1994 and 1999, the Board reported to the Minister of Health.

Administrative structure:
The Alberta Mental Health Board is a provincial health authority and a corporation made up of its members. The Board is made up of a governing Board and an administration that provides programs and services according to the Board's mandate.
Members of the governing Board are appointed by the Minister, who appoints one member of the Board its Chairman. The governing Board is responsible for providing overall direction and for developing the Alberta Mental Health Board's goals, establishing criteria for organizational performance and monitoring that performance, consulting with advisory groups and liaison with external agencies and organizations. The Board's administration is headed by the Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer.
With the transfer of many of the Board's responsibilities to the province's regional health authorities in 2003, the Board's administration and the size of the governing Board have been reduced in size to reflect its reduced program responsibilities.

Names of the corporate bodies:
Provincial Mental Health Board 1994-1996
Provincial Mental Health Advisory Board 1996-1999
Alberta Mental Health Board 1999-present

Names of chief officers:
Craig Simmons 1994-1996
Betty Schoenhofer 1996-2002
Dr. John Read 2002-present

SCOPE AND CONTENT: No records have been received.
RELATED FONDS: GR0006 (Health and Wellness fonds)
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