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No.: GR0006.006SF
TITLE: Alberta Cancer Board sous-fonds
CREATOR: Alberta Cancer Board
EXTENT: 0.00 m of textual records
HISTORY/BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH: Dates of founding and/or dissolution:
The Alberta Cancer Board was founded as the Provincial Cancer Hospitals Board in 1968 pursuant to the Cancer Treatment and Prevention Act, S.A. 1967 c. 7. In 1982, the name of the Board was changed to the Alberta Cancer Hospitals Board by the passage and proclamation of the Cancer Treatment and Prevention Amendment Act, 1982, S.A. 1982 c. 10.

Functional responsibility:
The Alberta Cancer Board is responsible for providing cancer care, including patient care, teaching, and research into the treatment and prevention of cancer. The Board operates the Cross Cancer Institute in Edmonton and the Tom Baker Cancer Centre in Calgary. Most Board programs, including diagnosis, treatment, teaching and research, take place at these two locations. The Board also operates cancer treatment centres in Lethbridge, Red Deer, Medicine Hat, Grande Prairie, Peace River, Fort McMurrary, Hinton, Camrose, Bonnyville, Drumheller, and Barrhead.
The Board has administered the various cancer research programs funded by the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust and Foundation, the Canadian Cancer Society and the universities of Alberta and Calgary. The Board also operates the Alberta Cancer Registry, which collects and processes data in support of cancer treatment and prevention programs. The Board coordinates the Alberta Cancer Board Advisory Committee on Research, a committee of scientists and medical practitioners from across Canada, which provides critical analysis and advice to the Board regarding its research activities.
Since 1994, under the authority of the Regional Health Authorities Act, the Board has operated as a provincial heath authority. Since this time, community input into the planning and development of cancer services across the province was provided by two new councils, the Southern and Northern Coordinating Councils for Cancer Control. Each of these two councils is made up of members representing the regional health authorities, the Alberta Cancer Board, and the Canadian Cancer Society.

Predecessor and successor bodies:
Previous to the creation of the Board, cancer treatment services were the responsibility of the Cancer Services Program of the Department of Health.

Administrative relationships:
The Alberta Cancer Board has reported to the Minister of Health (1967-71), the Minister of Health and Social Development (1971-75), the Minister of Social Services and Community Health (1975-77), the Minister of Hospitals and Medical Care (1977-88), the Minister of Health (1988-99), and the Minister of Health and Wellness (1999-present).

Administrative structure:
The Alberta Cancer Board is made up of its Board of Directors and the administration which provides the Board's programs. The Board of Directors is made up of between seven and eleven members appointed by the Minister, who appoints one member Chairman. The administration which provides Board programs is headed by the Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer of the Board, who is appointed by the Board executive with the approval of the Minister and reports to the Board of Directors.
The Board's administration is composed of the various treatment facilities and a number of departments responsible for its program areas: research (including the Cancer Registry); information systems; facilities planning and management; epidemiology, prevention and screening; and financial planning and administration.

Names of the corporate bodies:
Provincial Cancer Hospitals Board 1968-1982
Alberta Cancer Board 1982-present

Names of chief officers:
Chairmen of the Board of Directors of the Provincial Cancer Hospitals Board/Alberta Cancer Board:
Tom D. Baker 1968-1981
R.E. Pottinger 1981-1984
V. Glenn Sundstrom 1984-1987
Arthur D. Davis 1988-1994
Marvin E. Moore 1994-1999
Gary G. Campbell 1999-present

SCOPE AND CONTENT: No records have been received.
RELATED FONDS: GR0006 (Health and Wellness fonds)
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