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Legislative Assembly, North West Territories

Title: Legislative Assembly, North West Territories
Object Number: A10613
Notes: Formal layout portrait of the Members of the North West Territories Legislative Assembly, 1904, including: A. Smith, Moosomin J.W. Shera, Victoria J.J. Young, East Calgary G.W. Brown, North Regina J.A. Simpson, Innisfail B. Prince, Battleford T. Talbot, Lacombe J.W. Woolf, Cardston A McIntyre, Mitchell A.C. Rutherford, Strathcona T. McKay, Prince Albert R.B. Bennett, West Calgary Spencer Page, Clerk of the House J.C. Clinkskill, Saskatoon T. McNutt, Saltcoats G.H.V. Bulyea, South Qu'Appelle (Commissioner of Public Works) Jas. Grierson, Page of the House E.C. McDiarmid, Carrington C.W. Fisher, Banff Hon. A.E. Forget, Lieutenant-Governor F.W.G. Haultain, McLeod, Premier and Attorney General A.B. Gillies, Whitewood, Speaker H. Greeley, Maple Creek R. Secord, Edmonton Dr. Elliot, Wolseley, (Commissioner of Agriculture) R.A. Wallace, High River J.W. Connell, Souris Dr. Patrick, Yorkton A.S. Rosenroll, Wetaskiwin D.H. McDonald, North Qu'Appelle Jas. B. Hawkes, South Regina L.J.A. Lambert, St. Albert W.T. Finlay, Medicine Hat G.M. Annable, Moose Jaw Dr. De Veber, Lethbridge W.F. Meyers, Kinistino Chas. Fisher, Batoche R.S. Lake, Grenfell
Date: 1904
Photo Subject Headings: Family and Personal Life
Politics and Government
Names: Smith, A.
Shera, J.W.
Young, J.J.
Brown, G.W.
Simpson, J.A.
Prince, B.
Talbot, T.
Woolf, J.W.
McIntyre, A.
Rutherford, Alexander Cameron
McKay, T.
Bennett, R.B.
Page, Spencer
Clinkskill, J.C.
McNutt, T.
Bulyea, G.H.V.
Grierson, Jas.
McDiarmid, E.C.
Fisher, C.W.
Forget, Hon. A.E.
Haultain, F.W.G.
Gillies, A.B.
Greeley, H.
Secord, R.
Wolseley, Dr. Elliot
Wallace, R.A.
Connell, J.W.
Patrick, Dr.
Rosenroll, A.S.
McDonald, D.H.
Hawkes, Jas. B.
Lambert, L.J.A.
Finlay, W.T.
Annable, G.M.
De Veber, Dr.
Meyers, W.F.
Fisher, Chas.
Lake, R.S.
Physical Description: B&W
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