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Alberta New Democrats: Speech by Neil Reimer, Alfred Pullen Gleave and Ernest Charles Manning on the Politics of Agriculture and the Alberta Political System


Multimedia Details:

Title: Alberta New Democrats: Speech by Neil Reimer, Alfred Pullen Gleave and Ernest Charles Manning on the Politics of Agriculture and the Alberta Political System
Object Number: PR1984.0178.0785
Notes: Recording from Alberta New Democrats with speeches by Neil Reimer, Alfred Pullen Gleave and Ernest Charles Manning on the Politics of Agriculture and the Alberta Political System. First speaker is Alfred Pullen Gleave (Saskatchewan NDP Member of Parliament for 1968-1974, outspoken agricultural advocate and voice of the Saskatchewan farmer) and Ernest Charles Manning (Premier of Alberta 1943-1968) was the second speaker. Topics include rural transportation, industrial society attitude toward rural area, consideration of how services and programs impact farmers, credit needs of farmers, international trade negotiations and agreements, trade policies, Kennedy round of negotiations, farmers living on the poverty level in an afluent society, quote from Barbara Ward British Communist on Revolution. manning spoke about agriculture communities (Hutterites), redistribution of seeds, alteration of the electoral system, proportional representation and how it does not favour the opposition, administrative boards, economic development, Athabasca tar sands, Alberta Gas Trunk line, and redistribution of wealth.
Date: c.1959
Extent: 25m20
Forms Part Of: Alberta New Democrats

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