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"Pathfinder Trek: Edmonton to Victoria via Jasper Highway" film reel

Title: "Pathfinder Trek: Edmonton to Victoria via Jasper Highway" film reel
Object Number: PR3762

This amateur film features the arrival in Victoria, BC of a team in the 1922 “Pathfinder Trek: Edmonton to Victoria via Jasper Highway.” The trek was instigated at the behest of the Edmonton Automobile and Good Roads Association, which was hoping to create a northern route to the BC coast via the Yellowhead Pass. The Association offered a gold medal for the team who could first drive a car from Edmonton to Victoria via the Jasper route. Two teams entered the race, the first consisting of Charles Neimeyer and Frank Silverthorne, employees of Lines Motors of Edmonton, who drove an Ford Overland Four, and the second consisting of George F. Gordon and J.E. Sims, who drove a Ford Model T pickup. The Overland team left Edmonton on 17 June 1922 and the Model T team left Edmonton on 22 June 1922. Both teams arrived in Victoria on 4 July 1922 but the Model T team benefitted from the rudimentary road construction that the Overland team had previously improvised on its way and arrived in Victoria ahead of its opponents.

The film, which is dated as 1939 and must be a copy of original footage from 1922, depicts the Overland team in Victoria along with unrelated footage of several sporting activities such as diving and golf.

Date: 1939
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