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Results for ""Lewis, Tony"" 77 Result(s)
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Old house on hill at site of Mercoal, Alberta
Object Number: A15633
Date: June 1987
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Old railway station at site of town of Leyland, Alberta
Object Number: A15634
Date: June 1987
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Mountain Road General Store, Cadomin, Alberta
Object Number: A15635
Date: June 1987
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Mountain Road General Store, Cadomin, Alberta
Object Number: A15636
Date: June 1987
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Mountain Road General Store, Cadomin, Alberta
Object Number: A15637A
Date: June 1987
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Mountain Road General Store, Cadomin, Alberta
Object Number: A15638A
Date: June 1987
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Hole in the Wall Cafe, Cadomin, Alberta
Object Number: A15639
Date: June 1987
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Row of original mine company houses at Cadomin, Alberta
Object Number: A15640
Date: June 1987
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Front of old mine company house, Cadomin, Alberta
Object Number: A15641
Date: June 1987
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Blacksmith Dan Aebi, Cadomin, Alberta
Object Number: A15642
Date: June 1987
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