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Results for "diaries" 48 Result(s)
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Department: Library
Title: Records of the Nile Voyageurs, 1884-1885
Class: 971.008 C358 V. 37 PAA
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Department: Library
Title: The Nor'wester
Class: 971.27 N831 PAA
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Department: Library
Title: Wild horses and gold : from Wyoming to the Yukon
Class: 971.91 P142 PAA
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Department: Library
Title: The British Columbia historical quarterly
Class: 971.1005 B777 PAA
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Department: Library
Title: Ranching under the arch : stories from the Southern Alberta rangelands
Class: 636.010971 A565
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Department: Library
Title: Copies of all papers found in the council room of the insurgents or elsewhere at Batoche, especially including: 1. The diary of Louis Riel. 2. The minute book and order in council of the insurgent council. 3. The correspondence of Louis Riel
Class: 971.054 C16co PAA
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Department: Library
Title: [Finding Aids [microform]]
Class: 025.171 P9601 PAA
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Department: Library
Title: Man proposes, God disposes : recollections of a French pionee
Class: 971.23202 M445
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