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Results for "edmonton" 533 Result(s)
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Department: Library
Title: "Music in Edmonton, 1880-1905"
Class: 780.9712334 B452 PAA
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Department: Library
Title: "Peace be within thy walls" : St. Stephen's Church, Edmonton, Alberta, 1905-1934.
Class: 283.71233 Ed5808 1934 PAA
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Department: Library
Title: "Sitting on top of the world", 1915-1940 : the amazing record of the Edmonton 'Grads", official world's basketball champions, covering 25 years of play, 522 official games and over 125,000 miles of travel!
Class: 796.32306 Si88 PAA
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Department: Library
Title: ... Return showing the number of half-breeds of the North-West Territories who proved their claims before the Commission at Fort Qu'Appelle, Touchwood Hills, Qu'Appelle Valley, Regina, Maple Creek, Calgary, Fort McLeod, Pincher Creek, Edmonton, St. Albert
Class: 971.054 C16d
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Department: Library
Title: 10th anniversary year book, 1965
Class: 284.171233 Ed58ou PAA
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Department: Library
Title: 1997 Edmonton Negev dinner, in honour of Valda Levin
Class: 971. 23004924 E366
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Department: Library
Title: 25 jahre, St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Edmonton, Alberta, 1951-76.
Class: 284.171233 Ed58sp PAA
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Department: Library
Title: 25th anniversary, 1955-1980, Good Samaritan Auxiliary Hospital, 9649 - 71 Ave., Edmonton, Alberta, May 15, 1980.
Class: 362.11 G591 PAA
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Department: Library
Title: 40 years of natural gas service, [1923-1963]
Class: 338.27285 N811 PAA
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Department: Library
Title: 418 (City of Edmonton) Squadron history
Class: 358.4131 V465 PAA
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