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Results for "edmonton" 22734 Result(s)
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Robert Hugh Clifford McEwen to Florence Sibyl Harrison
Object Number: GR2015.1527/73
Date: 1934
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Robert Hugh Spangler to Neva Alta Wood
Object Number: GR2015.1527/51.7
Date: 1934
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Robert Irfine to May Kitto
Object Number: GR2014.1211/94.2
Date: 1933
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Robert Jackson Barnes to Alice Alberta Rendall
Object Number: GR2013.0661/26.8
Date: 1932
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Robert James Armstrong to Selina Rose Worsfold
Object Number: GR2014.1211/69.10
Date: 1933
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Robert James Ducey to Beatrice Thirza Saunders
Object Number: GR2014.1211/80.4
Date: 1933
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Robert James Engley to Hilda Olynek
Object Number: GR2016.0002/50.7
Date: 1940
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Robert James Engley to Janetta Stalker
Object Number: GR2014.1211/80.6
Date: 1933
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Robert James Ferguson to Violet Lenora Pollock
Object Number: GR2015.1527/104.6
Date: 1934
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Robert James McCartney to Ann Slidinski
Object Number: GR2014.1211/53.6
Date: 1933
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