| Department: Descriptive | Title: International Bitumen Company Limited | Object Number: A3385 | Date: [ca. 1936] | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: International Bitumen Company Limited fonds | Extent: 0.23 m of textual records | Object Number: PR0211 | Date: 1907-1957, predominant 1937-1957 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: International Development Edmonton AHEA [Alberta Home Economics Association] Branch | Object Number: PR2014.2048/58 | Date: 1995 | ...More info |
|  | Department: Descriptive | Title: International Bitumen Company Limited | Object Number: A3399 | Date: [ca. 1930] | ...More info |
|  | Department: Descriptive | Title: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Float in the Klondike Days Parad | Object Number: A140 | Date: 1969 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: International dinner at YMCA, Edmonton | Object Number: PR1992.0261/89 | Date: 1953 | ...More info |
|  | Department: Descriptive | Title: International Bitumen Company Limited | Object Number: A3386 | Date: [ca. 1936] | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: International Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers, Local 1016 f | Extent: 0.30 m of textual records | Object Number: PR0783 | Date: 1903-1947 | ...More info |
|  | Department: Descriptive | Title: International Bitumen Company Limited | Object Number: A3387 | Date: 1936 | ...More info |
|  | Department: Descriptive | Title: International Business Machines Building, Edmonton, Alberta | Object Number: RP445 | Date: 11 August 1959 | ...More info |
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