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Search Results for Cartographic
Results for "edmonton" 717 Result(s)
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Edmonton & Environs - Fort Sask., Leduc, Stony Plain
Description: 40 x 41 in.
Object Number: PR1969.0009.0049
Date: 1960-1964
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Edmonton & Environs - Fort Sask., Leduc, Stony Plain
Description: 40 x 41 in.
Object Number: PR1969.0009.0050
Date: 1960-1964
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Edmonton & Environs - Fort Sask., Leduc, Stony Plain
Description: 40 x 41 in.
Object Number: PR1969.0009.0051
Date: 1960-1964
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Department: Cartographic
Title: City of Edmonton and Environs
Description: 39 3/4 x 41 in.
Object Number: PR1968.0213.0001
Date: 1964
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Mundy's Map of Edmonton
Description: 77 x 74 1/2 in.
Object Number: GR1967.0050.0001
Date: 1920
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Historical Map of Edmonton (North and South)
Description: 18 x 22 in.
Object Number: PR1967.0314.0001
Date: 1700-1900 (1958)
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Historical Map of Edmonton (North and South)
Description: 18 x 22 in.
Object Number: PR1967.0314.0002
Date: 1700-1900 (1958)
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Edmonton & District Lying to the South-East
Object Number: PR1968.0009.0001
Date: [ca 1929]
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Edmonton Transit Guide
Description: 37 x 41.5 cm
Object Number: PR1975.0074.1397
Date: September 1953
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Driscoll & Knight's Map of the City of Edmonton
Object Number: PR1967.0009.0001
Date: 1914
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