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Results for "edmonton" 34924 Result(s)
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Department: Descriptive
Title: J. Bulonski vs. City of Edmonton - basement suite in existing one family dwelling, Lot 22 & 21, Blk. 36, Allendale.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/593
Date: 1961
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Department: Descriptive
Title: R. Baker (Baker Construction Co.) vs. City of Edmonton - Car Wash, Lots 8-10, Blk. 66, Plan I, R.L. 11.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/594
Date: 1961
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Department: Descriptive
Title: F.J. Keats (Mrs. M. Bernardo) vs. City of Edmonton - Trailer Court, Lots 2 & 3, Plan 4639 H.W.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/595
Date: 1961
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Department: Descriptive
Title: A. Breitkreutz vs. City of Edmonton - Suite in basement, Lot 10, Blk. 20, Plan 5515 AE, 10535-79 St.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/596
Date: 1961-62
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Department: Descriptive
Title: F.E. Barr & property owners vs. City of Edmonton - Rooms in basement of single family dwelling 11447-79 Ave.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/599
Date: 1961
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Department: Descriptive
Title: W.H.E.Boytzun (J. Chudak & Mr. & Mrs. A. Boytzun) vs. City of Edmonton - 21-suite apt. Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 28, Plan LX, Westmount.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/600
Date: 1962
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Department: Descriptive
Title: G.A. Woodward vs. City of Edmonton - Proposed commercial kennel on Lot 19, R.L. 20, Plan 3578.X.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/570
Date: 1960
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Department: Descriptive
Title: A.R. Williams (C. Matzanke) vs. City of Edmonton - Proposed basement suite on Lot 1, W 1/2 Lot 2, Blk. 7B, Plan 5036 S. King Edward Park (8760-77 Ave.)
Object Number: GR1971.0080/573
Date: 1961
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Department: Descriptive
Title: W.H. Hurlburt vs. City of Edmonton - Proposed addn. to residence used as fraternity house on Lots 20 & 21, Blk. 166, Plan I 23A, R.L.7.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/576
Date: 1960-61
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Department: Descriptive
Title: G. Hougestal vs. City of Edmonton - Proposed private swimming pool at Lot 21, Blk. 52, Haristry, Plan 2136 K.S.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/577
Date: 1960
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