| Department: Descriptive | Title: A.H. McLachlan vs. City of Edmonton - Proposed use of basement for wash room, kitchen & storage - 9914-16-110 St. | Object Number: GR1971.0080/578 | Date: 1960 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: A.R. MacKay vs. City of Edmonton - Proposed development of service station on Lots 1-3, Blk. 3, Calder. | Object Number: GR1971.0080/579 | Date: 1960 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: H. Mueller vs. City of Edmonton - Proposed use of residence as a Beauty Parlor at 11304-62 St. | Object Number: GR1971.0080/583 | Date: 1961 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: Mrs. John Phillips vs. City of Edmonton - Proposed development of hotel on Lots 1-5, Blk. 11, Brown Industrial. | Object Number: GR1971.0080/584 | Date: 1960 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: H. Allen (Mr & Mrs. McFarlane) vs. City of Edmonton - 6-suite apt. bldg. on Lot 2, Blk. 40 Groat Estate, Plan XXII B., 102 Ave. & 125 St. | Object Number: GR1971.0080/585 | Date: 1961 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: J. Agrios (property owners) vs. City of Edmonton - 6-suite apt. bldg. on Lot 242, Blk. 5, H.B.R. | Object Number: GR1971.0080/586 | Date: 1961 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: J. Agrios (H. Eberhardt) vs. City of Edmonton - 4-suite apt. bldg. on Lot 301, Blk. 5, H.B.R. Plan 754 OAH. | Object Number: GR1971.0080/587 | Date: 1961 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: Mr. F.E. Ayerst vs. City of Edmonton - Continued use of a second building at 11023-95 St. | Object Number: GR1971.0080/588 | Date: 1961 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: D.R. Alcorn vs. City of Edmonton - Addition to existing carport, Lot 5, Blk. 19, Plan 5107 HW, King Edward Park. | Object Number: GR1971.0080/589 | Date: 1961-62 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: S. Arnieri vs. City of Edmonton - Commercial development in basement Lot 28, Blk. 15, R.L. 16/18. | Object Number: GR1971.0080/590 | Date: 1961-62 | ...More info |
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