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Results for "edmonton"
533 Result(s)
| Department: Library | Title: Anniversary reflections : a 50 year history of the Edmonton Photo Club 1938-1988 | Class: 770.9712334 An77 1989 PAA | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: The first century of Jewish life in Edmonton and Northern Alberta, 1893-1993 : The first and second generations | Class: 971.23004924 R15 | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: To be poor in Canada | Class: 362.5 D75 | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: Edmonton's electric transit : the story of Edmonton's streetcars and trolley buses | Class: MS587.C4.S-C1.330 | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: Fort Edmonton : the reconstruction story, 1969-1974|Fort Edmonton : l'histoire de la reconstruction, 1969-1974 | Class: 917.1233 W495 PAA | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: Something about Edmonton and Canada's richest farming district | Class: 330.971233 Ed58 | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: Social problems of Edmonton | Class: 900.971233 T52 | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: Social problems of Edmonton : a study in social deprivation and social deviance | Class: 900.971233 T52 PAA | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: W.A. Griesbach collection 1893-1943 m.s. 209, files 1-572 | Class: 025.171 Ed58g PAA | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: The all-red route to the Arctic Ocean, via Edmonton, Alberta, Canada | Class: 917.1231 AL51 PAA | ...More info |
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