Search Results
for Library
Results for "edmonton"
533 Result(s)
| Department: Library | Title: Souvenir of the Edmonton schools : issued at the opening of the High school, May ninth, nineteen hundred and eleven | Class: 371.00971233 Ed58 PAA | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: Guide and companion to Edmonton, Alberta : a handbook for everybody : for residents, tourists, intending settlers and others | Class: 917.1233 G941 PAA | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: CKUA and 40 wondrous years of radio | Class: 791.44 M139 PAA | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: An approach to planning river valley trails | Class: 796.5 Ed58 PAA | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: Royal Commission on Dominion-Provincial Relations | Class: 330.97123 R812 PAA | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: Souvenir of The Solemn Blessing and Opening Ceremonies of St. Alphonsus Church | Class: 282.71233 Ed58al | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: Issues in clay : western Canadian sculpture | Class: 730.9712 L349 PAA | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: St. Joseph's seminary : 50th anniversary, 1927-1977. | Class: 207.112 Ed58j PAA | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: Fiftieth anniversary, 1910-1960. | Class: 283.71233 Ed5807 1960 PAA | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: Fortieth anniversary, 1910-1950. | Class: 283.71233 Ed5807 1950 PAA | ...More info |
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