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Results for "edmonton"
533 Result(s)
| Department: Library | Title: Cities of Alberta : submission to the Royal Commission on Dominion Provincial Relations | Class: 352.13 D879 PAA | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: Golden jubilee souvenir of the foundation of the Order of Our Lady of Charity in Edmonton, 1912-1962. | Class: 255.91 Ed58 PAA | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: A million dollars later : a saga of forty years of Lionism with the Lions Club of Edmonton, 1929-1969 | Class: 369.509 H769 PAA | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: The history of baseball in the province of Alberta | Class: 796.357097123 En32 PAA | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: Alberta has the sovereign right to issue and use its own credit. A factual examination of the constitutional problem. | Class: 324.271 S64 | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: The brigade | Class: 363.37091 E519 | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: Proceedings of the third symposium on the history of the Oblates in Western and Nothern Canada : Faculty Saint-Jean, Edmonton, May 1993 | Class: 266.2 Sy68 1994 | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: Ukrainian Canadians, multiculturalism, and separatism, an assessment | Class: 305.891791 U516 | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: The Albertan geographer | Class: 917.123 AL1401 PAA | ...More info |
| | Department: Library | Title: From Terra Incognita to the Prairie West : a map exhibit | Class: 912.7123 F925 1988 PAA | ...More info |
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