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Search Results for Cartographic
Results for "edmonton" 717 Result(s)
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Municipal District of Peace, No. 135
Description: 72.3 x 57 cm
Object Number: PR1985.0119.0101
Date: July 1977
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Municipal District of Fairview, No. 136
Description: 76 x 46.5 cm
Object Number: PR1985.0119.0102
Date: April 1977
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Edmonton Land District
Description: 50 x 53 cm
Object Number: PR1988.0446.0001
Date: ca. 1907-1910
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Edmonton Sheet No. 315
Description: 86 x 61.7 cm
Object Number: PR1985.0167.0001
Date: September 1920
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Edmonton Sheet No. 315
Description: 83 x 61 cm
Object Number: GR1985.0261.0001
Date: 1947
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Champion Coal Area, Alberta. Alberta Plains, Edmonton Formation
Description: 67 x 45.7 cm
Object Number: GR1985.0430.0038
Date: 1949
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Gleichen Coal Area, Alberta. Alberta Plains, Edmonton Formation
Description: 67 x 45.7 cm
Object Number: GR1985.0430.0039
Date: 1949
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Drumheller Coal Area, Alberta. Alberta Plains, Edmonton Formation
Description: 67 x 45.7 cm
Object Number: GR1985.0430.0040
Date: 1949
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Sheerness Coal Area, Alberta. Alberta Plains, Edmonton Formation
Description: 67 x 45.7 cm
Object Number: GR1985.0430.0041
Date: 1949
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Carbon Coal Area, Alberta. Alberta Plains, Edmonton Formation
Description: 67 x 45.7 cm
Object Number: GR1985.0430.0042
Date: 1949
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