Search Results
Results for "edmonton"
22734 Result(s)
| Department: Descriptive | Title: A Strategic & Perceptual Study of the Edmonton Radio Market 15-64 Years of Age -volume 3 Tables & Graphs | Object Number: PR1999.0803/514 | Date: 1991 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: A study (original material) done on bilingual Ger.-Eng. ministry in Canada by Horst W. Gutsche, at that time pastor of St. John Luth. Church Edmonton Alberta (1978-1985). Die Studie über deutschsprachige Seelsorge in Kanada 1984 mit dem 1. Manuskript samt | Object Number: PR2014.2132/71 | Date: 1984 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: A Summary of the History of Women's Canadian Club of Edmonton | Object Number: PR1978.0032/27 | Date: 1961 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: A Time For Love", Judy Singh; CBC Edmonton | Object Number: PR1993.0378/2026 | Date: 1970 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: A Tribute to Tommy" The Edmonton Jaycees | Object Number: PR1999.0120/936 | Date: 1985 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: A Trip Around Edmonton 1951 | Object Number: PR2002.0645/32 | Date: 1951 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: A Truck Decorated for a Parade with a Sign "Revillon Wholesale Edmonton Canada | Object Number: PR2007.0482/37 | Date: [1923] | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: A Voice In The Land | Object Number: PR2000.0780/1348 | Date: 1981 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: A Wealth of Voices a History of the Edmonton Social Planning Council 1940-90 | Object Number: PR2000.0780/1241 | Date: 1990 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: A-Channel "Marilyn Myers and Christmas at the Romanian Hall, North Edmonton | Object Number: PR2001.1092/208 | Date: [19??] | ...More info |
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