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Results for "edmonton" 22734 Result(s)
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Department: Descriptive
Title: A.C. Lynn and Amy Zelmer fonds
Extent: 593 negatives and other material
Object Number: PR2041
Date: 1913-2006
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Department: Descriptive
Title: A.C.T./CFRN Search for Talent Semi-Finals - Edmonton
Object Number: PR1979.0129/411
Date: 1949
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Department: Descriptive
Title: A.C.T./CFRN Search for Talent, Edmonton
Object Number: PR1979.0129/219
Date: 1948
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Department: Descriptive
Title: A.D. Demco (Richard Realty) vs. City of Edmonton - Proposed service station Lots 11-15, Blk. 10, Plan O.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/810
Date: 1963
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Department: Descriptive
Title: A.D. Demco (S. Defir) vs. City of Edmonton - Proposed 6-suite apt. bldg. on Lot 243, Blk. 5, H.B.R.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/803
Date: 1962
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Department: Descriptive
Title: A.E. Koch (G. Bujna) vs. City of Edmonton - Conversion 1-family to 2-family dwelling, Lot 13, Blk. 16, R.L. 10, 10840 - 97 St.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/941
Date: 1963
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Department: Descriptive
Title: A.E. Koch (H. Lastiwka) vs. City of Edmonton - Bachelor suite in existing 5-suite apartment, Lot 20, Blk. 36, Plan 2230 M.C., Killarney.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/668
Date: 1961
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Department: Descriptive
Title: A.E. Thiele (M. Deutschendorf) vs. City of Edmonton - Proposed duplex on Lot 31, Blk. 84, R.L. 11.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/755
Date: 1962
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Department: Descriptive
Title: A.F. Moir ( Dr. C Allard & Paris Investments) vs. City of Edmonton - Proposed 50-suite, 8-storey apt. Bldg. Lots E & F, Blk. 13.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/531
Date: 1960
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Department: Descriptive
Title: A.G.T./Edmonton Telephones Toll (Dispute), 1 vol.
Object Number: PR1995.0445/951
Date: 1984-1985
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