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Results for "edmonton" 717 Result(s)
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Map 3: Existing main roads, Metropolitan Edmonton
Object Number: GR1970.0413.0343e
Date: 1952
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Map 4: Residential areas Edmonton by income class
Object Number: GR1970.0413.0343f
Date: 1948
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Outline general plan for Metropolitan Edmonton, 14E
Object Number: GR1970.0413.0343w
Date: 1953
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Metropolitan Edmonton industrial area no.1, home - work relation
Object Number: GR1970.0413.0343g
Date: n.d.
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Metropolitan Edmonton industrial area no.2, home - work relation
Object Number: GR1970.0413.0343h
Date: n.d.
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Metropolitan Edmonton industrial area no.3, home - work relation
Object Number: GR1970.0413.0343i
Date: n.d.
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Description: 70.8 x 71 cm
Object Number: GR1983.0470.0028
Date: 1977-1978
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Street Map of Edmonton
Description: 38.5 x 45 cm
Object Number: PR1990.0311.0069
Date: 1958
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Metropolitan Edmonton industrial area no. 4, home - work relation
Object Number: GR1970.0413.0343j
Date: n.d.
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Department: Cartographic
Title: The City of Edmonton
Description: 58 x 45.5 cm
Object Number: PR1980.0145.1646
Date: 1965
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