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Ellen Elliot Residence


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Statement of Significance

Description of Historic Place
The Elliot Residence is a two-storey, wood frame residential building located the Westmount neighborhood. It is an early example of the large number of two-storey wood front gabled dwellings with Craftsmen design influences built in the first quarter of the 20th century, and demonstrates the popularity of this style in the early days of the Westmount neighborhood.

Heritage Value
The Elliot Residence is significant as an early example of a front gabled dwelling with Craftsmen design elements influences, and for its associations with an early owner and builder.

Design elements of the two-storey building include the original wood frame construction, with horizontal wood siding on the lower level and wood shingle siding in gable peaks, and a front gabled-roof addition and porch. Fire insurance maps of the area show the original structure with a verandah in 1913. That was altered in 1920 when a portion of the verandah was added as an extension to the living room and e. The main structure has a gable roof with distinctive eaves brackets in the front and rear gables. The main entrance of the structure is offset to the right, has a transom window with multiple lights, a side window on the left in a 3 over 1 format and a window on the right in a 2 over 1 format. There are also 3 single hung windows, two in a 6 over 1 format and a middle window in a 8 over 2 format. The second floor of the structure includes 2 pairs of single hung windows, in a 9 over 1 format.

The rear elevation of the main floor contains a back door with side windows on the left (not original) and two single hung windows in a 9 over 1 format. The second floor also contains two single hung windows in a 9 over 1 format. The south (side) elevation of the building contains one window located at the landing of the stairs. There is also a side entrance proving access to the basement and the main floor.

As mentioned above, fire insurance maps of the area show the original house with a full front porch in 1913. However, city records indicate that the house was built in 1920. The 1920 date may have come from when the front porch was captured and brought into the house as an extension of the living room and the mudroom.

The first resident and owner of the building was Mrs. Ellen Elliot, widow of Thomas Elliot who may have been a builder. In the day, it was unusual and rare for women to purchase and own property. Mrs. Elliot lived at the residence until 1932. Mrs. Elliot’s son, Cecil G. Elliot lived here for one year. Alex Crawford moved into the house in 1934 and stayed there till 1946 after which Dr. Foy, an ophthalmologist lived there with his wife, Rita till 1952. In 1953, salesman manager Morris E. Frazer moved in.

Character-Defining Elements
The character defining elements as expressed in the form, massing and materials of the 1913 Elliot Residence include:

-two-storey wood frame front gabled design with Craftsmen design influences;
-horizontal wood siding on the lower level and wood shingle siding in gable peaks;
-front gabled-roof addition and enclosed porch;
-front and rear gable roof configuration with a side chimney;
-distinctive eaves brackets at the front and rear gables;
-fenestration pattern of single hung windows on both floors;
-exposed roof rafters; and
-main entrance with a transom window with multiple lights and the surrounding casement windows.


Street Address: 10543 – 125 Street NW
Community: Edmonton
Boundaries: Pt. Lot 2, Block 30, Plan RN22B
Contributing Resources: Building

ATS Legal Description:
Mer Rge Twp Sec LSD

PBL Legal Description (Cadastral Reference):
Plan Block Lot Parcel
Pt. 2

Latitude Longitude CDT Datum Type
53.548915 -113.537523 NAD83

UTM Reference:
Northing Easting Zone CDT Datum Type


Recognition Authority: Local Governments (AB)
Designation Status: Municipal Historic Resource
Date of Designation: 2019/06/18

Historical Information

Built: 1913/01/01
Period of Significance: 1920/01/01
Theme(s): Peopling the Land : Settlement
Historic Function(s):
Current Function(s):

Additional Information

Object Number: 4664-0070
Designation File:
Related Listing(s):
Heritage Survey File:
Website Link:
Data Source: City of Edmonton (Bylaw 18789)
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