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All Saints Anglican Church

Cherry Point

Other Names:

Statement of Significance

Description of Historic Place
The All Saints Anglican Church is an all wood structure with a bell steeple and attached front porch and rear wing. The church is located on the south west quarter of section fourteen in township eighty three range thirteen west of the sixth meridian (SW 14-83-13-W6M) It is situated adjacent to Secondary Highway 717 and east of Range Road 132.

Heritage Value
The All Saints Anglican Church possesses heritage value as one of the oldest extant churches in the region. It was built in 1936 by missionaries with funds donated by an anonymous person in England. Missionary activity started in the area in the early 1930s shortly after the area was first settled. Local residents donated their time and skills to complete the building. The first church service was held in the unfinished church on August 25, 1937. Rev. R.J. Pierce officiated and 17 individuals were baptized that day. The church was dedicated the following September.

Over the course of its history, All Saints Anglican Church has served three communities: Cherry Point, Bear Canyon and Clayhurst. The church was an integral part of an area that is geographically isolated by rivers on all sides. Transportation was very difficult in those days so people were fortunate to be able to attend regular church services without having to travel long distances. During the end of the depression, the church was a shining star in the darkness bringing people together in spite of their differences. Assistance was provided in various ways to people in need. 46 individuals served as mission workers for the church and many of these travelled the region in the church's van. Some of the missionaries were also nurses. There were also 25 student ministers that spent their summers here. The church served an essential role. Community life revolved around the church services with picnics and ball games often following the services. All Saints Anglican Church is an intergral part of the history of this area.

Character-Defining Elements
The character defining elements of the All Saints Anglican Church include the following:

- 1 storey wooden building;

- Nailed frame;

- Front porch entry;

- Rear wing;

- Wood shingles;

- Bell tower;

- Cross on top of bell tower.


Street Address: Off Highway 717 near Range Road 131
Community: Cherry Point
Boundaries: SW 14-83-13-W6
Contributing Resources: Building: 1

ATS Legal Description:
Mer Rge Twp Sec LSD

PBL Legal Description (Cadastral Reference):
Plan Block Lot Parcel

Latitude Longitude CDT Datum Type
56.188328 -119.939207 Secondary Source NAD83

UTM Reference:
Northing Easting Zone CDT Datum Type


Recognition Authority: Local Governments (AB)
Designation Status: Municipal Historic Resource
Date of Designation: 2009/09/08

Historical Information

Built: 1936 to 1938
Period of Significance: N/A
Theme(s): Building Social and Community Life : Religious Institutions
Historic Function(s): Religion, Ritual and Funeral : Religious Facility or Place of Worship
Current Function(s): Religion, Ritual and Funeral : Religious Facility or Place of Worship

Additional Information

Object Number: 4664-0193
Designation File:
Related Listing(s): 4665-1375
Heritage Survey File:
Website Link:
Data Source: Clear Hills County, Community Development Department, Box 240, 313 Alberta Avenue, Worsley, Alberta T0H 3W0 (File 62-02-02)
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