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Key Number: HS 54396
Site Name: George Durrand Residence
Other Names:
Site Type: 0101 - Residential: Single Dwelling


ATS Legal Description:
Twp Rge Mer
52 24 4

Address: 10417 Saskatchewan Drive NW
Number: 17
Street: 104 NW
Town: Edmonton
Near Town:


Type Number Date View


Style: Four-square, Cornbelt Cube
Plan Shape: Square
Storeys: Storeys: 2 1/2
Foundation: Basement/Foundation Wall Material: Brick
Superstructure: Nailed Frame
Superstructure Cover:
Roof Structure: Bellcast, any roof type
Roof Cover:
Exterior Codes: Massing of Units: Single Detached
Wings: None
Number of Bays - Facade: First or Ground Floor, 2 Bays
Number of Bays - Facade: Second Floor, 5 Bays
Wall Design and Detail: None
Roof Trim - Eaves: Rafters Exposed
Roof Trim Material - Eaves: Wood
Roof Trim - Verges: Purlins Exposed
Roof Trim Material - Verges: Wood
Towers, Steeples and Domes: None
Towers, Steeples and Domes Location-Side to Side: Centre
Towers, Steeples and Domes Location-Front to Rear: Centre
Dormer Type: Gable, Projecting Eaves
Chimney Location - Side to Side: None
Roof Trim - Special Features: None
Window - Structural Opening Shape: Flat
Window - Trim Outside Structural Opening - Head: Plain Flat
Window - Trim Outside Structural Opening - Sides: Plain
Window - Trim Outside Structural Opening - Material: Wood
Window - Sill Type: Plain Slip Sill
Window - Sill Material: Wood
Window - Trim Within Structural Opening - Head: Plain
Window - Trim Within Structural Opening - Sides: Plain
Window - Number of Sashes: One
Window - Opening Mechanism: Single or Double Hung
Window - Special Types: None
Window - Pane Arrangements: 2 over 2
Main Entrance - Location: Centre (Facade)
Main Entrance - Structural Opening Shape: Flat
Main Entrance - Trim Outside Structural Opening - Head: Plain Flat
Main Entrance - Trim Outside Structural Opening - Sides: Plain
Main Entrance - Trim Outside Structural Opening Material: Wood
Main Entrance - Trim Within Structural Opening - Head: Plain
Main Entrance - Trim Within Structural Opening - Sides: Plain
Main Entrance - Number of Leaves: 1
Main Entrance - Number of Panels Per Leaf: 1
Main Entrance - Leaves - Special Feature: Glass
Main Stairs - Location and Design: First or Ground Floor, Without Railing
Main Stairs - Direction: Straight
Main Porch - Type: Open Porch
Main Porch - Special Features: Columns
Main Porch - Material: Concrete
Exterior: Two storey; siding; enclosed addition at back with gabled roof; decorated cornice and frieze, three dormers - shingled; main entrance-curved pediment with return, door, flanked with pilasters.
Bellcast hip roof; bellcast hip dormers; arched open front entry porch with paired square columns; bay windows, eave brackets; mullioned windows.
Interior: N/A
Environment: Neighbourhood: Strathcona Old Strathcona preservation area
Condition: Good
Alterations: Recent Renovations


Construction: Construction Date:
Built (F.G. Consultants, 1993)
Construction Started
Construction Ended
Usage: Usage Date:
Architects' Office

Owner: Owner Date:
Geo. Durrand
Architect: N/A
Builder: N/A
Craftsman: N/A
History: Duncan S. McKenzie listed at this address - 1919 Harold G. MacDonald listed at this address - 1920 (See City Archive file).
Durrand, George - Durrand Sand Co. - 1914 Stone window and door headers; stone band at ground floor level; wicket decorated windows.
One bay front porch with gabled roof.
Numerous brackets supporting roof overhang.
Bay windows on west side on ground floor, east side ground floor and second floor centre front.
Present Owner - John H. Read in Trust.
Geo. Durrand of Durrand Sand Co.


Status: Status Date:
Designation Status: Designation Date:
Municipal Historic Resource
Register: B260
Record Information: Record Information Date:
S. Khanna 1992/12/17


Alberta Register of Historic Places:
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