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Key Number: HS 15058
Site Name: Wetaskiwin Court House
Other Names: Wetaskiwin City Hall
Site Type: 1304 - Governmental: Court House


ATS Legal Description:
Twp Rge Mer
46 24 4

Address: 4705 - 50 Avenue
Number: 5
Street: 47
Avenue: 50
Town: Wetaskiwin
Near Town:


Type Number Date View


Style: Classical Revival
Plan Shape: T
Storeys: Storeys: 2
Foundation: Basement/Foundation Wall Material: Stone
Superstructure: Brick
Superstructure Cover:
Roof Structure: Medium Hip
Roof Cover:
Exterior Codes: Wall Design and Detail: Column or Engaged Column
Wall Design and Detail: Ionic Capital
Roof Trim - Special Features: Monumental Pediment
Exterior: Sandstone trim painted sheet metal cornice, portico entrance with ionic columns and pediment rock faced sandstone basement. The roof is covered with galvanized iron. Foundation: rubble stone.
Interior: White plaster, red birch trim, steam radiators, plumbing electricity. Courtroom: deep, plastered beam ceiling, plaster pilasters, ionic capitals, wainscotting, First floor: sheriff, clerk, judges chambers, vaults, lavatories. Second floor: judges, lawyers, courtroom, witness and jury rooms.
Environment: A containing one and sixty four hundredths (1.64) acres, more or less. Lot size 95,000 square feet.
Condition: The building has been excellently maintained both in the interior and exterior. Heating system is new and plumbing is in excellent condition. Structure: Good. Repair: Good. 30 MAR 1979
Alterations: Apparent Alterations and/or Additions: Minor Site: Original


Construction: Construction Date:
Land purchased
Plans drawn, revised in November.
First setting of the Wetaskiwin District.
Grounds levelled, walks laid out.
Usage: Usage Date:
Owner: Owner Date:
Province of Alberta
Province of Alberta
Architect: A.M. Jeffers
Builder: N/A
Craftsman: N/A
History: The Wetaskiwin Court House was constructed in 1907 and has served as a Court of law since that time. It has been a landmark for many years in this city.

The Court House was built in the Classical Revival style of architecture. There are few buildings of this architectural style in the area, and this is one of Wetaskiwin's most outstanding buildings.
1906 - Land purchased
1908 - January 21 first sitting of the Wetaskiwin District Court.
1907 - August plans drawn. Revised in November.
1909 - Grounds leveled, walks laid out, first courthouse design produced by A.M. Jeffers and second design constructed after installation of Provincial Government.
Cost $80,000. Basement - Caretaker's Apartments. Furnace Room, Vault, Storage Cells.
First Floor - Sheriff, Clerk, Judges Chambers, Vaults, Lavatories Second Floor - Judges, Lawyers, Library, Courtroom 35' by 40', witness jury rooms.
* * *
Heritage Significance: The Wetaskiwin Court House was constructed in 1907 and has served as a Court of Law since that time. It has been a landmark for many years in this city. Architectural Significance: The Court House is reminiscent of English renaissance architecture displaying Greek features on the portico. There are few buildings of this architectural style in the area, and is one of Wetaskiwin's most outstanding buildings.
* * *
A Chapter in Alberta's History... PRESERVED
The Wetaskiwin Court House

In 1906, the 1,650 residents of Wetaskiwin envisioned their community as a major centre of the new Province of Alberta. And who could blame them? That year the community received official status as a city. Council approved the installation of water works and a sewage system. Building was booming and so was business. And then, the ultimate honour! Wetaskiwin was named the judicial centre for the Central Alberta Judicial District.

Courts of Law were required by January 1908 Wetaskiwin had its court house, an imposing $80,000 three-storey structure of brick and stone, its architecture reminiscent of English renaissance and its ground extending to 1.64 acres. Inside, the patina of polished dark wood paneling in a courtroom that stretched almost 20 feet to a lofty ceiling created an atmosphere of solemn judgment. The first sitting of the Wetaskiwin District Court was held on January 21, 1908, Judge Noel presiding. There were 33 cases on the docket, most of them dealing with horse-stealing incidents.

The Wetaskiwin Court House has served as a Court of Law continuously 70 years. Its designation as an historic site assures its preservation as a monument to the legal history of the Central Alberta Judicial District. An enduring landmark, it will continue in its primary role in the administration of justice for central Alberta.

There are several thousand sites and buildings such as the Wetaskiwin Court House, whose age, architecture or association with important events makes them a significant part of our Alberta heritage. These are non-renewable resources that should not be left to decay, nor thoughtlessly destroyed.
* * *
Building Site Historic
A downtown Edmonton building that is possibly the oldest existing land titles office in Alberta has been declared an historic site.

The building, at 10523 - 100th Avenue opened in 1893 and served as the Crown land, timber and registry office for several years.
'One of Wetaskiwin's most outstanding architectural assets, it has been as a courthouse since its construction in 1907. Designation will acknowledge the fine architectural contribution which this building makes to the heritage of Alberta. Future use as a court house is anticipated.'

* * *
Plaque status: Plaqued in 1995
Symbol of mountain tourism, chalet style hotel, 1926-27.


Status: Status Date:
Designation Status: Designation Date:
Provincial Historic Resource
Federally Designated
Register: N/A
Record Information: Record Information Date:
K. Williams 1989/06/27


Alberta Register of Historic Places: 4665-0205
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