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Key Number: HS 16350
Site Name: Colonel's Cabin
Other Names:
Site Type: 0101 - Residential: Single Dwelling
0510 - Farming and Ranching: Experimental Station
1316 - Governmental: Internment Camp


ATS Legal Description:
Twp Rge Mer
24 8 5

Near Town: Seebe


Type Number Date View


Plan Shape:
Storeys: Storeys: 1
Superstructure: Horizontal Log
Superstructure Cover:
Roof Structure: Medium Hip
Roof Cover:
Exterior Codes:
Exterior: Lodgepole pine logs, open beam, wooden shingles.
Building size: 20' x 25'
Interior: N/A
Environment: Lot size: 23.86 sq. miles
Condition: In 1974 the cabin was described as 'well-preserved', although minor repairs were recommended, it is not known if these repairs were effected. The cabin is in very good condition-shingling, some minor log repair, painting and rain gutter installation would restore it to excellent condition. There is no cairn or marker associated with this site.
Alterations: N/A


Construction: Construction Date:
Usage: Usage Date:
Experimental Forestry Reserve
Forest Experimental Station
Internment camp
Prisoner of War camp

Owner: Owner Date:
Province of Alberta
Architect: N/A
Builder: N/A
Craftsman: N/A
History: The cabin was built in 1936 by people associated with on of the National Forestry Programs. The program was supervised by the Dept.
of National Defence and Administered by D. MacDonald. The program provided work and training for men during the Depression. In 1939 the camp was used in intern 'enemy aliens' and by 1941 it was being used as a German Prisoner of war camp. The 'Camp Commandant' used the cabin from which it derived its name - the Colonel's Cabin. The Cabin is a picturesque open structure containing a 'Rundle Rock' fireplace of considerable size.
* * * Kananaskis Internment Camp #130 Seebe was opened on September 29, 1939 a the present site of the Kananaskis Forest Experiment Station.
The camp housed civilian internees and Enemy Merchant Seamen (EMS) until July, 1941, at which time the majority were transferred to Frederiction, New Brunswick and Petawawa, Ontario. The facilities were enlarged with a double barbed-wire perimeter fence and guard towers, each with a bren gun and spotlight, and converted to an internment camp for German P.O.W. or Class 1. Camp #130 contained prisoners' huts, store, dining hall, recreation hall, hospital, jail house, mail censor office and sports field. Adjacent to the barbed wire enclosure were the officers' mess, office and headquarters, as well as the guards' quarters and drill yard. The internment camp closed in 1946.
From 1951 to 1960, the Alberta Forest Service training school for forest officers, now in Hinton, was located at the site. In 1966, an area was leased to the University of Calgary for development of an Environmental Sciences centre. The Canadian Forestry Service developed a public education centre in 1975 which has been operated by the Alberta Forest Service since 1980. During this time the Colonel's Cabin has been used as a visitor centre, containing exhibits on the forestry research station and the P.O.W. camp.
* * * Historical / Architectural Data: The Kananaskis Forest Experimental Station was established in 1934, and functioned as a relief camp to help alleviate the severe unemployment of the Thirties. In 1939 it became an interment camp for undesirable aliens and by 1941 had evolved into a prisoner of war camp. The Colonel's Cabin, built in 1936 was the quarters of the Camp Commandant and was used as such until 1946. Present (1978) function of the building is unknown. The Colonel's Cabin is a 25' by 20' log cabin of open beam construction with a Rundle Rock fireplace. In 1974 the cabin was described as 'well-preserved,' although minor repairs were recommended; it is not known if these repairs were affected.


Status: Status Date:

Designation Status: Designation Date:
Provincial Historic Resource
Record Information: Record Information Date:
K. Williams 1989/08/01


Alberta Register of Historic Places: 4665-0017
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