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Key Number: HS 20494
Site Name: Payne Residence
Other Names: Senator Buchanan House
Site Type: 0101 - Residential: Single Dwelling


ATS Legal Description:
Twp Rge Mer
9 21 4

Address: 1404 - 4 Avenue S
Number: 4
Street: 14 S
Avenue: 4 S
Town: Lethbridge
Near Town:


Type Number Date View


Plan Shape: Rectangular Short Facade
Storeys: Storeys: 2
Foundation: Basement/Foundation Wall Material: Concrete
Superstructure: Nailed Frame
Superstructure Cover: Wood: Shiplap
Roof Structure: High Hip
Roof Cover: Wood
Exterior Codes: Massing of Units: Single Detached
Wings: None
Number of Bays - Facade: First or Ground Floor, 2 Bays
Number of Bays - Facade: Second Floor, 3 Bays
Number of Bays - Facade: Third Floor, 1 Bay
Roof Trim - Eaves: Brackets
Roof Trim Material - Eaves: Wood
Roof Trim - Verges: Brackets
Roof Trim Material - Verges: Wood
Towers, Steeples and Domes: None
Towers, Steeples and Domes Location-Side to Side: None
Towers, Steeples and Domes Location-Front to Rear: None
Dormer Type: None
Dormer Type: Hip
Chimney Location - Side to Side: Unknown
Roof Trim - Special Features: None
Window - Structural Opening Shape: Flat
Window - Trim Outside Structural Opening - Head: Plain Flat
Window - Trim Outside Structural Opening - Sides: Plain
Window - Trim Outside Structural Opening - Material: Wood
Window - Sill Type: Plain Slip Sill
Window - Sill Material: Wood
Window - Trim Within Structural Opening - Sides: Plain
Window - Number of Sashes: One
Window - Opening Mechanism: Single or Double Hung
Window - Opening Mechanism: Fixed
Window - Special Types: None
Window - Pane Arrangements: 2 over 2
Main Entrance - Location: Centre (Facade)
Main Entrance - Structural Opening Shape: Flat
Main Entrance - Trim Outside Structural Opening - Head: Plain Flat
Main Entrance - Trim Outside Structural Opening - Sides: Plain
Main Entrance - Trim Outside Structural Opening Material: Wood
Main Entrance - Trim Within Structural Opening - Head: Plain
Main Entrance - Trim Within Structural Opening - Sides: Plain
Main Entrance - Number of Leaves: 1
Main Entrance - Number of Panels Per Leaf: 1
Main Entrance - Leaves - Special Feature: Glass
Main Stairs - Location and Design: First or Ground Floor, Without Railing
Main Stairs - Direction: Straight
Main Porch - Type: Closed Porch
Main Porch - Special Features: None
Main Porch - Material: Concrete
Main Porch - Height: First Storey
Exterior: N/A
Interior: Basement-2 Rooms; 1st Floor 5 rooms; 2nd floor 7 rooms.
Environment: Residential
Condition: Good (2004)
Alterations: Numerous Windows


Construction: Construction Date:
Construction Completed
Construction Started

Usage: Usage Date:

Owner: Owner Date:
Helen Payne
Architect: N/A
Builder: N/A
Craftsman: N/A
History: Helen Payne.
Home of Senator Buchanan, early editor of the Lethbridge Herald.


Status: Status Date:

Designation Status: Designation Date:
(not assigned)

Record Information: Record Information Date:
WANG 1983/05/26


Alberta Register of Historic Places:
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