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Key Number: HS 28162
Site Name: Superintendent R.B. Deane House
Other Names:
Site Type: 0101 - Residential: Single Dwelling
0406 - Mercantile/Commercial: Restaurant


ATS Legal Description:
Twp Rge Mer
23 1 5

Address: 806 - 9 Avenue SE
Number: 6
Street: 8 SE
Avenue: 9 SE
Town: Calgary
Near Town:


Type Number Date View


Style: Four-square, Cornbelt Cube
Plan Shape: Rectangular Long Facade
Storeys: Storeys: 2 1/2
Foundation: Basement/Foundation Wall Material: Stone
Superstructure: Nailed Frame
Superstructure Cover:
Roof Structure: Medium Hip
Roof Cover:
Exterior Codes: Massing of Units: Single Detached
Wings: Rear
Wall Design and Detail: Corner Board
Roof Trim - Eaves: Rafters Exposed
Roof Trim - Eaves: Plain Fascia
Roof Trim Material - Eaves: Wood
Dormer Type: Hip
Dormer Type: Triangle
Chimney Location - Side to Side: Offset Right
Chimney Location - Front to Rear: Offset Rear
Chimney Stack Material: Brick
Chimney Stack Massing: Single
Roof Trim - Special Features: Other
Window - Structural Opening Shape: Flat
Window - Trim Outside Structural Opening - Head: Plain Flat
Window - Trim Outside Structural Opening - Material: Wood
Window - Pane Arrangements: 6 over 1
Main Entrance - Structural Opening Shape: Flat
Main Entrance - Trim Outside Structural Opening - Head: Plain Flat
Main Entrance - Trim Outside Structural Opening Material: Wood
Main Entrance - Trim Within Structural Opening - Head: Flat Transom, Multiple Lights
Main Entrance - Trim Within Structural Opening - Sides: Side Lights
Main Entrance - Number of Leaves: 1
Main Stairs - Location and Design: First or Ground Floor, Open Railing
Main Stairs - Direction: Straight
Main Porch - Type: Closed Verandah
Main Porch - Special Features: Open Railing
Main Porch - Material: Wood
Exterior: Restored porch (near original) on west and south.
Interior: N/A
Environment: Located on its third site on east side of Elbow River opposite former site of Fort Calgary. Originally located at fort, then moved to opposite side of compound for use by Grand Trunk Pacific Railway before being moved to present site, 1929.
Condition: Good (1992)
Alterations: Many alterations, some original woodwork. The building was moved closer to the Elbow River and 9th Avenue E. in 1914, and was moved again on August 21, 1929 across the Elbow River by the firm of Charles Riddock to a location immediately opposite the Fort site.


Construction: Construction Date:
Usage: Usage Date:
Apartment building
Art workshop/gallery
Owner: Owner Date:
N.W.M.P. 'E' Division
Grand Trunk Railway
C.L. Jacques
City of Calgary
Architect: N/A
Builder: Prisoners at Ft. Calgary
Craftsman: 'Joseph'
History: Although the house is no longer located on the site of former Fort Calgary, it is probably the only remaining building to have been located on the site. It was the official residence of a former commanding officer of the NWMP and it was used for the entertainment of many famous people, including a Japanese Prince. The house for Supt. Dean was constructed on the Ft. Calgary, when Deane arrived, 1906, to take command of 'E' Division, RWMP. The house was erected on the actual site of the former commanding officer's quarters, which were torn down after being declared uninhabitable due to age (30 years old). Five thousand dollars were appropriated for the purpose of construction, but owing to the carpenters' union demanding an increase in wages, the cost exceeded the estimate by $1,200. Work on the house was begun August, 1906, with prisoners from the Fort guardroom excavation a large cellar, laying cement foundation walls, and making water and sewer connections. Supervising the work was the division carpenter 'Joseph'. The house was finished December 1, 1906, and Deane himself described it as...'certainly the best house in Mounted Police occupancy at that date',...(Deane's Bk. pp. 106). The house had a 12' wide veranda on the south and east sides, which was used in the summer, 1907, for entertaining Prince Fushimi of Japan. On that occasion a decorative screen of shrubs was arranged for the front of the porch, where a band was to be located. Deane himself made the lawn and gardens. In March, 1914, the Deanes began to vacate the house, as the land was required by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. They moved into new quarters, April 1, 1914, rented for them by the government. The furniture from the old Deane house was sold by public auction, 1914, and the house moved to the opposite end of the enclosure for occupation by the station agent. In 1929, the house was purchased by C.L. Jacques and moved across the Elbow River to its present location, 806 - 9 Ave. S.E. by the firm of Charles Riddock.

It was laid on a new cement foundation and turned into an apartment building, Jasper Lodge. In 1949 the building was purchased by Alex Brotherton, who renamed it the 'Gaspe Lodge' because he came from the Gaspe. It is no longer an apartment building, but is owned by the City and rented to a group of city artists. The RCMP Century Celebrations Committee has funded the restoration of the porch to its near original state.

* * *
The house was built in 1906 on the Royal North West Mounted Police grounds (west of the Elbow River) as home for Superintendent R. Burton Deane. He and the house were host to many visiting dignitaries such as the Prince of Japan in 1907. In 1914 the house was moved closer to the Elbow River and 9th Avenue, E., when land was sold to the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, and was to be home for their station agent. It was moved again on August 21, 1929 across the Elbow River and was, for many years the Gaspé Lodge.
R.C.M.P. Centennial funds rebuilt the porch on the house.

* * *
House original site. Has moved twice. Only remaining building from Ft. Calgary site.

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- This building was constructed for use by Supt. R.B. Deane, commander of Fort Calgary, in either 1905 or 1906.
- It is believed to be the only building left of the Old Fort.
- It was removed from the original site in 1914 when the N.W.M.P.
- It was moved across the Elbow River in 1929 and this feat was written up in 'Popular Mechanics Magazine', in 1929.

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Used as workshop by Calgary's 'Dandelion Artists'.
Porch was enclosed when building became apartment house.

* * *
Henderson's 1915 - zip 1920 - ' 1925 - ' 1930 - ' 1935 - ' 1940 - '

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Built in 1906 on the Fort Calgary site, this was the home of NWMP Superintendent R.B. Deane until 1914, when the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway acquired the property and moved the house to the opposite end of the police enclosure for use by the station agent. In 1929, it was moved across the Elbow River, where it served as Gaspé Lodge apartments for many years. It now functions as the 'Dandelion Workshop'.
Once described by Superintendent Deane as '...certainly the best house in Mounted Police occupancy at that date' (ca.1906), this building is noteworthy for its low hip roof and wide verandah. It is important for its association with Superintendent R.B. Deane and with the NWMP who established Fort Calgary. It is the only known building extant from the Fort Calgary site. Through its various functions, the former Deane house has served many Calgarian.
This building is the only known, remaining structure from the Fort Calgary site. It is very important to the history of the City of Calgary, since it was founded by the NWMP. It was the official residence of R. Burton Deane, commanding officer of the NWMP 'E' Division from 1906-1914.
This building may be architecturally important for its style, as there appear to be few similar houses featuring the low hip roof and wide verandah. This may be exemplary of NWMP residences. Its significance to the architectural heritage of the province, however, is unknown at this time.

* * *
Fort Calgary Home Preserved for Future
Every day people pass the large house at 806 - 9th Ave. S.E., seemingly in retirement on the east bank of the Elbow River. But few, know of its colorful past.
Erected on the Fort Calgary site in 1906 for the incoming North-West Mounted Police commanding officer, R. Burton Deane, the house replaced the former Quarters then 30 years old.
Deane himself followed the construction, a great deal of which was carried out by prisoners from the Fort. It was begun in August of the year when a large cellar was excavated, cement foundation walls laid, and water and sewer connections made.
Ten years later, Deane wrote a book about his experiences in the NWMP (Mounted Police Life in Canada. Cassell and Co., Ltd. 1916) in which he describes his house as '... certainly the best house in Mounted Police occupancy at that date...'
As a commanding officer Burton Deane did his share of entertaining visiting dignitaries. In the summer of 1907, the 12 foot wide verandahs on the south and east sides of the house were built on for a mid-day reception for Prince Fushimi of Japan.
For the occasion, a decorative screen of shrubs was also arranged for the front of the porch where a band was to be situated.
Deane himself was responsible for the creation of the lawns and much-admired gardens.
Unfortunately, in 1914 the Deane's stay in their attractive home came to an end when the ft. Calgary sie was expropriated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. The Deanes were moved to new quarters and the house was moved to the opposite end of the enclosure for occupation by the station agent.
In 1929 the house was purchased by C.L. Jacques and made a famous move across the Elbow River to its present side.
This move was considered such a feat it was recorded in the July 1930 issue of Popular Mechanics magazine.
On its new site the former Deane home was laid on a new foundation and became an apartment house known for many years as Gaspe Lodge.
The old home, probably the only remaining building from Fort Calgary, is now owned by the city, and rented by the Dandelion Workshop. An effort at preservation was made with funding by the RCMP Century Celebrations Committee to restore the old porch area to a near-original state, providing a display area for Calgary artists.
This display area was recently opened and named the Dandelion Gallery.

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Draft For Immediate Release
January 4, 1978 Edmonton, Alberta

Superintendent R. Burton Deane House in Calgary Declared Registered Historic Site
The only remaining building from Fort Calgary has been declared a Registered Historic Site, the Hon. Horst A. Schmid announced today.
The building was erected in 1906 as the home for the incoming NWMP 'E' Division commanding officer, Superintendent R. Burton Deane. It replaced the earlier commanding officer's quarters, then 30 years old.

The construction of the house was carried out by prisoners at the Fort and was supervised by Division carpenter, 'Joseph', and Deane himself.
The two and a half storey, frame house with low hip roof and porches on two sides was often the scene of entertainment for visiting dignitaries and was described by the Superintendent as 'certainly the best house in Mounted Police occupancy at that date.' It served the Mounted Police until 1914, when the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway expropriated the Fort property. The buildings were demolished, except for the Deane's house, which was moved to the opposite end of the enclosure for the station agent.

In 1929 it became privately owned and was transported immediately across the Elbow River from the Fort site. The move was accomplished on pilings made of crossed logs. This feat was so remarkable it was noted in the magazine, Popular Mechanics.
Purchased by the City in recent years, the old house has had a near - original porch restored by the RCMP Century Celebrations Committee and now functions as artists' studio and show place. It is known as the Dandelion Gallery.


Status: Status Date:
Designation Status: Designation Date:
Record Information: Record Information Date:
K. Williams 1989/05/29


Alberta Register of Historic Places:
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