Search Results
Results for "provost"
390 Result(s)
| Department: Descriptive | Title: Chamney's Store, Provost | Object Number: A13263 | Date: May 3, 1951 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: Provost Locker Plant | Object Number: A13264 | Date: May 3, 1951 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: Harford Clothing Store, Provost | Object Number: A13265 | Date: May 3, 1951 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: Billiard Parlor and Barber Shop, Medical and Dental Building, Provost | Object Number: A13266 | Date: May 3, 1951 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: Billiard Parlor and Barber Shop, 5 - 1.00 Store, Provost | Object Number: A13267 | Date: May 3, 1951 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: Real estate office, City Restaurant, Thorpe's Drugs, Royal Theatre, Provost | Object Number: A13268 | Date: May 3, 1951 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: Royal Theatre, Club Cafe, Provost | Object Number: A13269 | Date: May 4, 1951 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: B.A. Service Station, Provost | Object Number: A13270 | Date: [1951] | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: W.H. Murat Plumbin and Heating, Provost | Object Number: A13271 | Date: May 4, 1951 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: Blacksmith and welding shop, Provost | Object Number: A13272 | Date: May 3, 1951 | ...More info |
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