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No.: GR0010
TITLE: Consumer and Corporate Affairs fonds
CREATOR: Consumer and Corporate Affairs
DATE RANGE: 1967-1992
EXTENT: 297.92 m of textual records
HISTORY/BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH: Dates of Founding and/or Dissolution:
The Department of Consumer Affairs was created in 1973, and in 1975 the name was changed to the Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs.

Functional Responsibility:
Through the Consumer Bureau Act of 1969 (S.A. Chapter 20, 1969), the Consumer Bureau became the provincial government's first office responsible for consumer affairs. A part of the Bureau's mandate derived from the Credit and Loan Agreement Act of 1967 (S.A. Chapter 11, 1967) Under the Consumer Bureau Act, the Bureau was responsible to liaison with Albertan consumer and business groups, and research and advise on issues detrimental to either group. The Department of Consumer Affairs Act of 1973 (S.A. Chapter 32, 1973) elaborate this mandate, bringing together consumer and corporate affairs functions from the Departments of Labour, Agriculture, the Attorney General, and Industry and Commerce. The department became responsible for registration and incorporation of companies, societies and associations. It also included in its new mandate auditing, licensing, and investigating insurance activities, credit unions, securities and real estate activities.

Predecessor and Successor Bodies:
Prior to the 1973 creation of the Department of Consumer Affairs, the Departments of Labour, Agriculture, the Attorney General and Industry and Commerce oversaw several consumer and corporate affairs functions. The Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs, created in 1975, remained in existence until 1992, when government reorganization dissolved the department. At this time, functional responsibilities were transferred to the Department of Municipal Affairs, the Treasury Department, the Department of Economic Development and Tourism, and the Attorney General's Department.

Administrative Structure:
The 1969 Consumer Bureau Act created the Consumer Bureau in the Department of Treasury. This was the first government office explicitly devoted to consumer affairs activities. The Bureau derived its mandate from the Credit and Loan Agreement Act of 1967. It also assumed the functions of the Debtor's Assistance Board, a part of the Department of Treasury since 1923. In 1971, legislation transferred the Branch to the Department of Labour. It became the principal administrative entity of the new department when the Department of Consumer Affairs was created in 1973.

The department began with two divisions, both reporting to the Deputy Minister. Corporate Affairs was responsible for real estate and insurance, and Consumer Relations was responsible for licensing, debtor's assistance and consumer affairs. Legislation reorganized and renamed the department in 1975. Now known as Consumer and Corporate Affairs, the department added the Automobile Insurance Board and the Alberta Securities Commission. Both offices reported directly to the Minister. Two new sections, Consumer Relations and the Companies Branch, reported to the Deputy Minister. After reorganizations in 1981 and 1990, the department's organization included an Assistant Deputy Minister of Professional Standards and Services, and Community Services. The Securities Commission and the Automobile Insurance Board continued to be responsible to the Minister.

Names of Chief Officers:
Robert W. Dowling (1973-1975)
Graham L. Harle (1975-1979)
Julian G.J. Koziak (1979-1982)
Constance E. Osterman (1982-1986)
James A. Adair (1986)
Elaine J. McCoy (1986-1989)
Dennis L. Anderson (1989-1992)

SCOPE AND CONTENT: The fonds consists of 14 series:
  • Deputy Minister's departmental administrative files, 1940 to 1987;
  • Gasoline Marketing Enquiry Committee report, 1965 to 1968;
  • incorporated companies and societies case files from the Corporate Registry Branch, 1905 to 1985;
  • Rent Decontrol Appeal Board operational files, 1975 to 1980;
  • Cooperatives Branch operational files, 1913 to 1986;
  • case files from the Licensing of Trades and Businesses Branch case files from 1946 to 1968;
  • collectors and collection agencies case files from the Consumer Credit Branch, 1955 to 1978;
  • credit union case files from the Credit Union Branch, 1913 to 1987;
  • tax discounter case files from the Consumer Credit Branch, 1979 to 1988;
  • Debtors' Assistance Board operational files, 1922 to 1964;
  • Insurance and Real Estate Branch operational files, 1948 to 1978;
  • Insurance Program operational files, 1932 to 1986;
  • Real Estate Program operational files, 1950 to 1985;
  • and Companies Branch operational files, 1905 to 1978.
RELATED SERIES: GR0010.0001 (Departmental administrative files)
GR0010.0002 (Gasoline Marketing Enquiry Committee report)
GR0010.0003 (Incorporated companies and societies case files)
GR0010.0004F (Rent Decontrol Appeal Board operational files)
GR0010.0005 (Cooperatives Branch operational files)
GR0010.0006 (Case files)
GR0010.0007 (Collectors and collection agencies case files)
GR0010.0008F (Credit union case files)
GR0010.0009F (Tax discounter case files)
GR0010.0010 (Debtors' Assistance Board files)
GR0010.0011 (Insurance and Real Estate Branch operational files)
GR0010.0012 (Insurance Program operational files)
GR0010.0013F (Real Estate Program operational files)
GR0010.0014F (Companies Branch operational files)

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