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Results for "John Davids" 179 Result(s)
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Will, David John
Object Number: GR1996.0661/12375
Date: 1964
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Dash, Margaret Anne (nee Syrnyk, Margaret Anne) / Dash, John David
Object Number: GR2001.1067/433
Date: 1965-1974
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Department: Descriptive
Title: John David McMahon to Ethel Sarah Alberta Todd
Object Number: GR2013.0661/327.8
Date: 1932
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Department: Descriptive
Title: John David Morgan to Violetta Summer Lee
Object Number: GR2013.0661/333.3
Date: 1932
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Department: Descriptive
Title: John David Bradshaw to Annie Lois Frankhauser
Object Number: GR2013.0661/468.7
Date: 1932
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Department: Descriptive
Title: David John Wiff to Katie Jacob Hofer
Object Number: GR2013.0661/481.8
Date: 1932
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Department: Descriptive
Title: John David Stevenson to Edna Muriel Welsh
Object Number: GR2014.1211/45.5
Date: 1933
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Department: Descriptive
Title: John David Kenneth Marshall to Marjorie Elizabeth Darnell
Object Number: GR2014.1211/271.2
Date: 1933
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Department: Descriptive
Title: David John Dunbar to Irene Vera Brosius
Object Number: GR2014.1211/308.6
Date: 1933
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Department: Descriptive
Title: David Albert John Sauve to Jean Hannah Stawart?
Object Number: GR2014.1211/314.7
Date: 1933
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