| Department: Descriptive | Title: P. Ladonia vs. City of Edmonton - Proposed continued use of basement suite in 1-family dwelling Lot 41, Blk. 17, Plan 4479 K.S. | Object Number: GR1971.0080/518 | Date: 1960-61 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: F.J. Butler vs. City of Edmonton - Proposed basement suite in existing dwelling, Lot 12, Blk. L, Plan 517 K.S. | Object Number: GR1971.0080/454 | Date: 1960 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: G.H. Baker vs. City of Edmonton Council - Carry on electrical appliance repair shop in 1-family house on lot 26, Blk. 10, Plan 1497 A.E. N. Dalton. | Object Number: GR1971.0080/456 | Date: 1960 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: R.W. Bradley (G. Stady, H. Cohen & Spencer & Grierson) vs. City of Edmonton - Proposed Car Wash Development on Lots 19A, 20A, Blk. 4, R.L. 12/14 Plan 226 C.L., R.L. 12/14. | Object Number: GR1971.0080/457 | Date: 1960 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: R.L. Buchholtz & A. Kallis vs City of Edmonton - Proposed development for display storage of new cars; Lot 30, Blk. 63, Plan I. R.L. 11. | Object Number: GR1971.0080/458 | Date: 1960 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: C.H. Douglas vs. City of Edmonton - Proposed Bldg. containing caretaker suites, etc. on Lot 2, Blk. 16A. Plan 4587 H.W. H.B.R. | Object Number: GR1971.0080/459 | Date: 1960 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: Mrs. F. Boyko vs. City of Edmonton - Proposed basement suite in 1-family house on Lot 23, Blk. 47, Plan 3071 K.S. Bronx. | Object Number: GR1971.0080/460 | Date: 1960 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: E.A. Brandt vs. City of Edmonton - Propsoed 3-suite addition to 3-suite Apt. Bldg. on Lot 13, Blk. 3, Plan LX. Westmount. | Object Number: GR1971.0080/461 | Date: 1960 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: N. Balanko vs. City of Edmonton - Proposed single family dwelling & garage on Lot 28, Blk. 22, Plan 1307 P. Santa Ross. | Object Number: GR1971.0080/462 | Date: 1960 | ...More info |
| | Department: Descriptive | Title: J. Bassie (P. Demchuk) vs. City of Edmonton - Proposed basement suite on Lot 3, Blk. 58, Plan LXIII B. Norwood. | Object Number: GR1971.0080/463 | Date: 1960 | ...More info |
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