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Results for "edmonton" 34924 Result(s)
<< | < | 2265 | 2266 | 2267 | Page 2268 | 2269 | 2270 | 2271 | > | >> |
Department: Descriptive
Title: Harry Roger Jaques to Lucy Amelia Brockman formerly McKenzie
Object Number: GR2016.0002/41.4
Date: 1940
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Gweirydd Jenkins to Celestine Auger
Object Number: GR2016.0002/41.5
Date: 1940
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Arsene Joly to Sophie Fisher
Object Number: GR2016.0002/41.6
Date: 1940
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Archie James Jolin to Elsie Elizabeth Mayer
Object Number: GR2016.0002/41.7
Date: 1940
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Edwin Knapp to Margie Ann Lycan
Object Number: GR2016.0002/41.8
Date: 1940
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Robert John Leonard Kennedy to Margaret Elizabeth Farquhar
Object Number: GR2016.0002/41.9
Date: 1940
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Department: Descriptive
Title: John Frances Kearns to Helen Macgregor
Object Number: GR2016.0002/41.10
Date: 1940
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Harry Kirk to Nora Violet Gould
Object Number: GR2016.0002/42
Date: 1940
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Samuel Kinch to Monica Mackwood
Object Number: GR2016.0002/42.2
Date: 1940
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Steve Anast Kouchandones to Leona Mary Cecilia Lamy
Object Number: GR2016.0002/42.3
Date: 1940
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<< | < | 2265 | 2266 | 2267 | Page 2268 | 2269 | 2270 | 2271 | > | >> |

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