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Results for ""Allen Godby"" 394 Result(s)
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Allen Godby with female companion, unidentified
Object Number: PR2009.0441/80
Date: 1920's
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Allen Godby and friend in jacket and tie, carrying riffle
Object Number: PR2009.0441/46
Date: 1920's
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Lily Lancaster & Allen Godby, scanned "MpGroupLY"
Object Number: PR2009.0441/122
Date: 1920's
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Allen Godby on corral with Luger
Object Number: PR2009.0441/124
Date: 1920's
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Allen Godby, Elsie Godby, Fanny Cuthbertson and Sam Archibald
Object Number: PR2009.0441/127
Date: 1924
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Ray Jones, Winslow Noble and Allen Godby on Rock River
Object Number: PR2009.0441/134
Date: 1926
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Ray Jones, George Noble, Winslow Noble, Allen Godby and Tommy Robinson
Object Number: PR2009.0441/135
Date: 1928
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Allen Godby & Tommy Robinson in Southesk Lake
Object Number: PR2009.0441/137
Date: 1928
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Allen Godby with Ford Automobile
Object Number: PR2009.0441/153
Date: 1911
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Allen Godby on his horse "Bess
Object Number: PR2009.0441/158
Date: 1920's
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