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Results for ""Peter Svarich"" 243 Result(s)
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Peter Svarich welcoming Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent during the sixtieth anniversary of Ukrainian immigration to Canada.
Object Number: A10074
Date: August 5, 1951
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Department: Descriptive
Title: John and Mary Svarich
Extent: Photograph
Object Number: A17683
Date: ca. 1910
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Miniature Orthodox Church
Extent: Photograph
Object Number: A17730
Date: [194-?]
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Funeral of Mary Svarich
Extent: Photograph
Object Number: A17721b
Date: 1935
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Liberal banquet at the Legion Hall in Vegreville to honour A.L. Horton, Peter Svarich, and Daphne Garrison.
Object Number: A10054
Date: Nov. 2, 1955
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Artwork: Charcoal sketch of Peter Svarich (negative), pencil sketch by Nestor Svarich, scale drawing of a grist mill, and ink and watercolor ornamental designs;
Object Number: PR1975.0074/56
Date: 1897-1952
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Certificates of Peter Svarich: Second Victory Loan, Recognition Certificate from the Ukrainian National Home of Education, Citizenship Certificate, Land Surveyor Certificate (issued to Milij Lukomskyj); Recognition Certificate from the Ukrainian National
Object Number: PR1975.0074/28
Date: 1942-1954
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Certificates of Peter Svarich: Letter of Appointment to Postmastership, Engineer's Certificate, Letter of appointment to Commissioner to Administer Oaths, Letter of appointment as game guardian
Object Number: PR1975.0074/24
Date: 1904-1906
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Handnotes by Peter Svarich: codes for decifering numbers, list of abbreviations, list of tenants and monthly payments (1964), list of first names and their meanings
Object Number: PR1975.0074/22
Date: [196-?]
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Miscellaneous correspondence of Peter Svarich concerning his involvement with the school system, the Liberal party, the community and his many interests
Object Number: PR1975.0074/19
Date: 1923-1961
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