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Results for ""Canadian National Railway Company"" 199 Result(s)
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Canadian National Railway Company Western Region Ashmont-Bonnyville Branch Plan showing Land taken for Ballast Pit in S.E.1/4, Sec. 23 & S.W. 1/4, Sec. 24, Twp. 61, Rge. 7, W.4.M. Alberta. Surveyed by J.E. Gray, A.L.S - D.L.S. Sept 16th 1930
Object Number: PR2009.0011/678
Date: 1930
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Canadian National Railway Company Plan of Extra Right of Way in Fractional N.W. 1/4 Section 36, Township 8, Range 26; - Fractional S.W. 1/4 Section 1, Township 9, Range 26; West of the 6th Meridian.
Object Number: PR2009.0011/396
Date: 1959
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Plan of Survey showing Canadian national Railway Company Chisel Lake Subdivision as constructed M13.04-M.26.18 Reckoned from Optic Lake (Mile 12.73 Sherridon Subdivision) Township 66 Ranges 21, 22, 23 and 24, W.P.M. Manitoba. Surveyed by L.H. Bousfield
Object Number: PR2009.0011/534
Date: 1962
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Canadian National Railways (Canadian National Railway Company) Western Region Manitoba Portage Brandon Division Wawanesa Subdivision Plan of Special Survey of Wawanesa Subdivision (Northern Pacific and Manitoba Railway). Through Sec's. 2, 1, 12, 11, 14, 1
Object Number: PR2009.0011/578
Date: 1957
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Canadian National Railway Company Western Region Alberta District Edmonton Division St. Paul South-Easterly Branch Plan Showing Land Taken By the Canadian National Railway Co. For Pipe Line in the N.E.1/4. Sec. 5. Twp. 57. Rge. 7. W.4.M. Alberta
Object Number: PR2009.0011/603
Date: 1928
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Canadian National Railway Company Plan of Survey showing Lot 1, Being Part of Required for Rock Pit and Power House Site Lot 480 and S1/2 Lot 5682 Cariboo District. British Columbia
Object Number: PR2009.0011/622
Date: 1957
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Canadian National Railway Company Western Region Kamloops Division Brit. Columbia District Plan showing Land taken by the Canadian National Railway Coy. For Wye at Monte Lake Mile 30.9 Okanagan Subdivision in S1/2 Lot 475, Group 1. Kamloops Division of Ya
Object Number: PR2009.0011/559
Date: 1927
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Canadian National Railway Company Plan of Survey Showing Land Required for Right of Way Purposes N.W.1/4 Sec. 17 Twp. 47 Rge. 22 W.4M. Alberta Surveyed by J.W. Doze, A.L.S.
Object Number: PR2009.0011/1248
Date: 1962
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Canadian National Railway Company Plan Showing Right of Way Required for Canadian Northern Pacific Railway Co. through Fractional Section 4. Blk. 3, North, Range. 5, W.C.M. New Westminster District, Province of British Columbia.
Object Number: PR2009.0011/1209
Date: 1925
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Canadian National Railway Company Plan of Expropriation showing Land for Railway Overpass Parts of Lots 154 and 171. Parts of Lots 98, 118, 119, 134, and 135. Roman Catholic Mission Property Plan No. 433 Manitoba
Object Number: PR2009.0011/1211
Date: 1960
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