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Results for "edmonton" 34924 Result(s)
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Department: Descriptive
Title: W.J. Haddad vs. Edmonton District Planning Commission - Amendment to Preliminary District Plan, Highway Commercial Zoning Section to permit highway commercial use of most southerly 50 acres, N.E. 26-50-25-W4.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/655
Date: 1962
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Mrs. Hope Hetszies vs. City of Edmonton - Addition to rear of commercial premises at 10838-124 St.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/656
Date: 1962
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Department: Descriptive
Title: I. Iddings (Progressive Real Estate Ltd.) vs. City of Edmonton - Service station, Lots 1,2 & 3, Blk. 6, Plan 6475 AE. Kensington.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/657
Date: 1961
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Department: Descriptive
Title: W. Grabow vs. City of Edmonton - 2-bedroom basement suite, Lot 427, Blk. 1, Plan 7540 A.H. H.B.R.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/643
Date: 1961
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Department: Descriptive
Title: J. Grotski (J. Ulrich) vs. City of Edmonton - Basement suite, Lot 32, Blk. 3, Plan 1226 Q., 9714-95 St.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/644
Date: 1961
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Department: Descriptive
Title: J.H. Livingstone (Greenbrier Motor Hotel) vs. City of Edmonton - Apt. Bldg. Lots 96, 97, & 98. Blk. 2, Plan 8, H.B.R.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/645
Date: 1961
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Department: Descriptive
Title: J. Goshko vs. City of Edmonton - 4-suite apartment, Lot 227, Blk. 8, H.B.R., 10843-109 St.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/646
Date: 1962
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Department: Descriptive
Title: G.H. Gifford (Ninth Street Building Ltd.) vs. City of Edmonton - Commercial building, Lot 198, Nlk. 11, Plan B4, H.B.R.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/647
Date: 1962
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Department: Descriptive
Title: J. Harper Prowse (E. Frohlich) vs. City of Edmonton - Basement suite, Lot 10, Blk. 135 R.L. 9, 10732-85 Ave.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/638
Date: 1962
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Department: Descriptive
Title: Mr. A. Gregory (Mrs. A. Wanciwski & R. Chobotuk) vs. City of Edmonton - Auto-service garage & repair shop, Lot 203, Blk. 5, H.B.R.
Object Number: GR1971.0080/641
Date: 1961
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