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Search Results for Cartographic
Results for "edmonton" 717 Result(s)
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Edmonton, Alberta
Description: 76 x 61 cm
Object Number: PR1979.0187.0001
Date: 1953
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Edmonton, Alberta
Description: 49.5 x 61.5 cm
Object Number: PR1979.0187.0002
Date: 1952
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Combined Structure - Contour and Isopach Map for the McMurray Formation in the Edmonton Area
Description: 61 x 54.7 cm
Object Number: PR1980.0145.0245j
Date: 1952
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Red Deer - Edmonton, Alberta
Description: 61 x 76 cm
Object Number: PR1980.0145.0253
Date: 1940
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Red Deer - Edmonton, Alberta NW 52/116
Description: 76 x 64.8 cm; 2 copies
Object Number: PR1980.0145.0266a
Date: 1955
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Red Deer - Edmonton, Alberta
Description: 76 x 64.8 cm
Object Number: PR1980.0145.0266b
Date: 1966
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Red Deer - Edmonton, Alberta
Description: 76 x 64.8 cm
Object Number: PR1980.0145.0267
Date: 1976
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Edmonton NN-12
Description: 76 x 64.8 cm
Object Number: PR1980.0145.0286
Date: 1973
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Edmonton Sheet
Description: 46 x 29 cm
Object Number: PR1980.0145.0306
Date: 1907
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Department: Cartographic
Title: Edmonton, Alberta
Description: 73.5 x 57 cm
Object Number: PR1980.0145.0358
Date: 1965
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